Questions about rex fur / hubby says I can adopt her!

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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2010
California, U.S.
I'll say outright that I'm not a huge fan of rexes - for me, the fur condition is the first thing I notice as an indicator of health, and the rex coat always looks off to me.

HOWEVER, the rescue pulled in a special needs rex girl from the recent hoarding case (behavioral issues up the wazoo), and I'm really tempted to adopt her. I do need some answers though regarding the nature of the rex coat so I don't have panic attacks every time I look at her.

Normal rexes don't become outright hairless right? But some fur loss over time isn't that uncommon? Would there be a point I should worry about hair loss? Are there skin issues I should worry about as the fur thins?

Oh, and are there any other wonky health problems associated with the rex coat? I vaguely recall that it might cause some eye trouble.

Here's a pic from the rescue:
Normal rexes don't become hairless. My boy CBD had some balding on his shoulders when he got older I think he was around 15 months when it started but it wasn't that bad. I believe there's so issues with it as it isn't very much hair loss really.
Oh my goodness, she's adorable!!!! I am totally in love with rex rats. Normal rexes do not ever lose their fur except when aging or if sick, pretty much the same as normal rats except it shows more on rex rats. No other special needs for them. You MUST adopt that gorgeous girl!!!
They are harder to tell if they are puffy lol got a nasty bite from not seeing my boy was upset. It takes time but after a while you can tell. My rezilla boys have thick fur. But it is thinner on their backs
I think it's common for poorly bred rexes to lose fur as they age. My rex started thinning on his sides and shoulders - his head was always fully furred and he had a stripe of fur down his back, but his sides were almost completely bald by the end of his life.

I would share pictures to show you, but I can't find any good ones where you can really tell.
Mine go in stages. Sometimes it's so thick, it's a bunch of waves, other times they'll 'bald' on their back or esp behind their ears. Lots of time it looks 'matted' on their sides and you'll see the 'bald spots' I've never had any eye issues with them. *shrugs*

I have had a decent amount of them if you want me to show you pictures next Saturday. Will you be there?
Oh, thanks everyone! For some strange reason, I also had the notion that rexes were more bristly than soft. Thanks for correcting me, Eagle.

TheRatQueen said:
I have had a decent amount of them if you want me to show you pictures next Saturday. Will you be there?
Of course I'll be there. Lauren is going to try to bring little Miss Rex to the event so I can meet her, and that means you can meet (and fall in love with) her too!
I have to echo how amazing rex coats are. I had this sweet little double rex man that I lost over the summer and his coat was the greatest thing ever. he was normally mostly naked all over (though he could rarely decide how to keep it ~), but always had this long, wavy, luxurious patch of fur on his butt lol. everyone in my family felt awkward because we always wanted to pet it...but it was on his butt :p

my current girl is a "poor" rex. the thing I've noticed in my limited experience is a tendency to have drier skin. she's been treated for mites twice now, I think, so it's not that. she's just got dry, flaky skin and always has. her sister (poor rex as well) also had it, as did the double rex boy (the son of the sister).

she's definitely losing fur faster than my other rats ever did, BUT she's not necessarily a great example. she's struggled with illnesses her whole life (save for a brief window), so combined with the dry skin, she's likely losing fur due to old age and being sick. it's also mostly just thinning, not so much going bald.

they are the softest things ever.
I love rexies more than dumbos myself. I have never had any health issues due to their coats with all my rexes. A good rex is gorgeous, and the coat can go from rougher brillo pad to very soft. I find their fur thins in patches (back, hips) usually over 2 years of age but some poor rexies may start earlier, but the skin underneath just looks normal, so don't worry :) Carina started early but she was a bit unusual. Here's a progression so you can see what I mean.

Baby Carina Snake Biter, she wasn't a good rex.


Carina showing a little on her back. YOu have to remember rex fur clings together unlike standard hair which is all individual hairs, so you have little gaps showing skin later on.


Carina as a little old lady

A very old lady


And I must adopt that gorgeous little gal!!
oh my gosh, Carina is just adorable <3 <3 <3

lilspaz68 said:
I love rexies more than dumbos myself.

I agree. I think dumbos are adorable, but I will fall over for any type of rex. my Boo is just the softest little rat radiator <3. cuddling with her is like having a mini teddy bear.

Blue has followed a similar hair loss pattern. for her though it's really just thin and not clumping. on her shoulders, neck, and hips mostly.
Love rex fur <3. My rex boy didn't have a great coat, so it always just looked like he had bed- head whenever I looked at him. He looked kind of scruffy, but you could tell by other indicators ( body weight, bright clear eyes, clean nose and ears) that he was healthy. As he got old, he started to get quite bald. I hear this isn't uncommon in rexes to have baldness in late life. He never had any eye problems whatsoever. I think the eye problems are a little more common in the hairless because there is nothing to keep debris from getting into the socket. Rex still have protection from debris, as their heads usually do not bald quite as much as their bodies as oldies.
*Snicker* I was holding off on telling the hubby about my plans to adopt this little gal since I knew his answer was going to be a resounding NO. But thanks to his new job, he's been in such a good mood that I casually slipped it into a conversation ... and was totally surprised when he just said, "Oh, why not."

Of course, as it is with all additions to my fuzzy crew, he anticipated that he'd get something in return (ie. fancy new bike parts, etc.). I have to say that technically, this gal would be the most expensive addition yet ... because I just let him buy his dream car yesterday, a Lincoln Town Car. Please don't laugh ... my husband is not over 80 years old, he's just a very old ... soul.

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