Question about Lupron & Tumors

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Oct 9, 2008
Hello, everybody :D ,
this is my first post, I hope, I do everything correctly.

My baby Chloe (we have two rats) had benign tumors before and had these surgically removed (two surgeries, having 3 tumors altogether removed). After the last surgery she recovered very slowly and became at one point so frustrated, that she did not only chewed her stitches open, but also chewed on her own little feet :sad3: . She hated the e-collar, but eventually, after weeks, turned back to her old self. She now has a rapidly growing tumor, that is inoperable and I did my research and found the human cancer drug "Lupron" is effective in rats with tumors (in ferrets and birds,too) and stops the growing of the tumor, sometimes even shrinking it. My vet was very open about it and ordered the drug :joy: , however, the package got lost (this is common typically luck for me :doh: ) and in the meantime the tumor kept on growing, while we are were/are trying to find the package. Yesterday, I found another vet, who had it already in stock (my main vet knows about it, and understands, that I need the drug really bad), and Chloe had her first injection of 100 micrograms.

The vets opinion about the drug however seems to differ on a few things: The Internet and my main vet says the drug is effective doing one injection every month. The other vet I went to yesterday said, she needs much more, like at least once a week or even daily, so now my question: Does anybody has any experience with Lupron ?

I hope the package arrives at my main vets office soon, the other vet is rather far away. :(

Chloe is also on Metacam, because the tumors, presses against her leg and this makes her uncomfortable.
I keep reading "once a month" injections and I also know a former ratowner who used monthly injections of Lupron for an aggressive boy who wasn't healthy enough for a neuter. It worked well according to her.
I've read about Lupron in a few places, unfortunately it was never successful though. But each rat is different so you just never know. If the vet that thinks weekly is necessary, I think I would give that a try with proper dosing. Rats have such fast metabolism... the vets would have proper documentation on this. You could start at once a month then move on to weekly and so on.
I have all my females spayed and this has greatly reduced the risk of tumours. We've had over 60+ girls spayed and only a handful developed tumours. My vet is quite impressed with this and now recommends a spay each time she does a tumour removal on any female rat.
I'm with Jo on this one. I've gone through an awful lot of tumor surgeries and heart ache. I finally started spaying all my girls at 4 months, or as soon as I adopt them (unless they have other health issues or are old)...and it's extremely effective in reducing the likelihood of tumors. I think it may be odds like from 90% down to 5% or something similar.

With one of our first ratties, we tried did nothing for Ellie. Our vet charges like $50 a shot, and if you do that for three months, that alone pays for a spay.

Obviously, if your girl is older and didn't do well with her last surgery (by the way Metacam post surgery REALLY helps with pain, which is the number one reason they chew on those sutures), a spay is probably not an option for you. Tumors just suck big time!! :sad3:

I do hope the Lupron helps. You might just try once a month and increase if you think it's helping. Best wishes to your little one.
Spaying is not an option for her anymore, otherwise I agree 100% - our "boy" is fixed, so is every other animal in the house (ferrets and dogs).

OK, having this said, here is an update on the Lupron. My vet finally got it in. We do it weekly and I pay $28 a shot (the other vet charged btw. $35). She is having her third shot on Saturday and the big Tumor shrunk already AT LEAST 30% :bow: :joy: :happydance: (I would tend to say even more than that). A smaller tumor, I found under her left front leg, is now so small, that I have a hard time finding it...
She also seems happier, acting like the "energizer bunny" :bunnydance: , never wanting to return back to her cage and just keeps on playing and playing (sometimes for 3 hours and more without a break). I lowered the Metacam dosage (it was the highest availeble for her weight), the tumor is not putting as much pressure on the leg anymore, although it is still affected a little bit by the tumor when she walks and cleans, and she is doing still great. I finally have hope again, that she will make it. :happydance:
This is incredible news!! I will also be mentioning it to my vet. We've had tumours pop up and unable to do anything about it due to lung disease, this would be great, even if it's just to control how fast it grows. :joy:
Hello :) ,
I just want to update everybody on Chloe:
She is on Lupron for over 6 month by now and still with us. The tumor stopped growing and no other tumors developed :happydance: , however, when we had to make an unexpected break (the vet ran out of Lupron and he had to re-order), she didn't get any Lupron for nearly 4 weeks and after about 3 weeks, we noticed the tumor growing again. When she got back on her regular weekly cycle, the tumor shrank a bit back. :D
When we started her out on Lupron the tumor shrank significantly in the first few weeks, enough to get her off the Metacam, because it wasn't pressing against her leg anymore. After it reached a certain smaller size it remained this way, meaning the tumor is still around, but smaller and controlled.
Furthermore the Lupron seems to rejuvenate Chloe, she is a very active (not hyper, but truly happily active and alert) rat. :joy:
Also the days she gets her shot every 7 to 10 days the tumor seems a bit swollen (it doesn't seem to bother her). The swelling goes away after about 1 day.

I just thought I let you all know :cuddle:
not that i dont agree that spaying wouldnt prevent mammory tumors because i know it makes a big difference in dogs but i have 11 girls right now ages 6 months to 17 months with only 1 girl with mammory tumors. ive had a few hundred rats go through my hands over the past 13 yrs and prob had a couple dozen with mammory tumors. now that being said my friend marion has given up owning girls due to tumor problems. maybe its due to diet but my girls dont seem to be "as prone" to mammory tumors.

lupron is used in woman to help with menopause and in men to fight prostate cancer. it reduces the overall amouth of sex hormones circulating in the bloodstream.
i use it in my ferrets when they show signs of adrenal gland problems and works wonders. might have to investigate further with rats. i still have my girl that was dumped at the clinic with the inoperable tumor i might try lupron with her. it is not a cheap drug unfortunately although i get it through chiron compounding in ontario and 3 month depo is $120 but thats MY cost and not with markup.
I would like to hear more about this drug.
Is it useful with only certain types of tumours?
I have had to have several boys and girls pts because of large fast growing tumours the vet did not think were operable, even tho the ratties were otherwise healthy.
It would be wonderful if there was a drug that would stop or even reduce the growth of these types of tumours.

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