Quarantine Advice Please

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
I am desperate to find a new cagemate for my somewhat lonely rat Theo. I found an ad tonight for a rat on Kijiji. The ad seems to imply that the rat is a lone rat. I have not spoken to the person about the rat yet.

I have read articles on the quarantine procedures because I don't want to take any chances of infecting Theo. Theo is on meds by the way for mycoplasma already and is doing fine.

They say to quarantine for at least 2 weeks. And to check for signs of illness before and during quarantine.

I'm assuming this person probably got the rat from a pet store.


Is there any potential issues with the mycoplasma given my rat is on meds for it and the other rat isn't? What if the new rat's mycoplasma somehow makes my Theo sick? Or if Theo's mycoplasma makes the other rat sick? Or are all mycoplasma the same?

What if the other rat is not sociable with other rats since it seems to be a loner rat?

What are the chances of a contagious virus or bacteria? Is it true that a rat with a virus will display the symptoms within 2-3 weeks?

I just don't want to take any chances with my rat Theo health. But he really needs a rat's company.

As for quarantine, the best I can do is to put the new rat in a completely different room (2 floors up) and close the door. And then wash my hands and change clothes if I handle or go near the rat. I might be able to ask a neighbour instead to take care of the rat for 3 weeks instead. That would be safer. This website http://www.sandyscrittercity.com/thequarantinepage.htm says once you see the other rat don't go back into your house until you have disinfected yourself. I know this all seems quite excessive.

I responded to the ad and gave them my phone number. If I end up going there to look at their rat, I will look for signs of illnesses as listed on this website: http://ratguide.com/health/basics/quarantine.php

This Yahoo! question seems to answer some questions for me: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 422AAeempO

I will have to ask this person a bunch of questions about the health history of the rat and find another house to quarantine.
You do good research. And I think you've got a good handle on things.
There is a chance that the males don't take to each other straight away so you take your intros very slow. Your quarantine set up sounds pretty good to me, better than what I'm able to do. The fact that Theo is already on meds is a bonus for him. You could also add supplement to the two boys like ground flaxseed or omega oils just to boost their immune system.
If the rat has been living alone or with other rats for more than 3 weeks without any new rats being introduced in their lives, AND no one in the rats' household has gone to a petshop (or other 'rattie' place) in that period of time AND the rats look perky and bright... personally to me these three factors, if ALL present, would lead me to consider the rat already quarantined and ready to come straight to my house.

Disclaimer; this is only my personal policy, and I would properly quarantine a rat who did not meet the above criteria.

Perhaps others would like to jump in and comment on my method.... It seems that legitimate questions about quarantine logistics get met with a deafening silence for the most part.
I do the same if the rat has been alone with them, they are not reptile owners then I will be safer with them. I wait to see if they sneeze but I wont put them in as long.

I put the music men in my daughters room. It is on the top floor or our two story house. On the other side. No cold air returns in her room to suck the air out of it. You have to be very constant with not touching them. Which is hard. I would give them medicine either right before work or when I was getting ready to hop in the shower. We kept hand sanitizer by their cage and I used it regardless if i was showering or not. We would play with them but only after we were totally done with our resident rats. I had to keep them apart for almost two months they were so sick. It took a long time for me to let them move into my rat room. but none of my rats got sick from them.
Thanks for the input. I still haven't gotten a response from the owner. Oh well.

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