PT? so quickly?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
Long Island, New York
Harlow's always been my trouble maker. Since day one she's always been all over the place causing trouble, hanging upside down in her cage, bossing around her sisters, escaping the playpen.. but lately she's been slowing down. I thought it was the fact that she turned a year old in June, and she's starting to slow down, but tonight I think I'm proved way wrong.

She keeps knuckling when she walks, and she barely lifts her body off the ground. She moves slowly, and she seems a lot thinner than even just yesterday.. I did the cheerio test, and these are my results:
P.S. Ignore the sudden loud music. I thought I turned my stereo off.

[BBvideo 450,375:urh2lh0l][/BBvideo:urh2lh0l]

See how she's walking, and how her front paws knuckle over? She also looses half of the puff out of the sides of her mouth, like it's hard for her to chew or something.. My first thought, after seeing so many cases of it on the forum, is PT. Can it occur so rapidly, and degenerate so quickly? She was literally fine yesterday. A bit lazier, but not practically crippled. Right now she's snuggled up in my shirt and I'm feeding her ensure mixed with block dust through a syringe.. if she's not doing better by morning I'm terrified I may have to say goodbye to my baby..
Maybe she had a seizure?

I'm bumping this up so someone sees it. I'm so sorry I can't help. ;x
it definitely looks neurological but I am thinking more of a stroke at her age :( Stroke is better than PT usually as rats can come back from it. A steroid can really hasten the process along, as it reduces the inflammation on the brain. Does she seem weaker on one side than the other?
I agree that is would be more likely to be a stroke, mainly because of two things: her age, and the sudden onset. Usually a PT sneaks up on you, whereas a stroke can be instant.
Good luck, I hope she makes it through the night...
I managed to make an appointment for her at my vet's this afternoon. I'd take her to the E vet, but the last time I brought a rat there I had a horrible experience, so I'd rather keep her warm, comfy, and fed here at home until I can get her to someone I trust. She's still the same thismorning.. I have to hold her in order to let her clean herself, otherwise she falls backwards. She's still knuckling when she does walk.. her fur is a bit poofy, she's got some serious poryf around her eyes. She's still eating, though it's difficult. I'm still syringing her blockdust/Ensure every so often, but a lot of it seems to fall out of her mouth. We just go until she doesn't want the syringe anymore. She and her sisters are sitting with me on the couch right now, and they're currently curled up under my blanket, sleeping.

She COULD have fallen, I have a DCN with a few levels in it, but it's unlikely, I have a lot of hammocks in there.. If she fell would these symptoms come up? A stroke sounds possible too.. I'm just hoping whatever's going on is treatable.
Harlow was put down about an hour ago. My vet said he was positive she had a brain tumor, and that one of her eyes seemed a bit more bulged that the other, which alluded to the fact. She went peacefully. He put her under, and when she was fully asleep, administered a shot to a vein in her leg. I was able to hold her the whole time. I miss her so much it's unbelieveable.
I'm so sad I could cry! My rat is the same way, I'm scared to take her to the vet, I don't want to lose her! but if she's in pain i don't want her to stay that way. She isn't reacting to cheerios or when I clap really loud she doesn't move and she usually freezes. I'm so sad HELP!!
rattyratgirl said:
I'm so sad I could cry! My rat is the same way, I'm scared to take her to the vet, I don't want to lose her! but if she's in pain i don't want her to stay that way. She isn't reacting to cheerios or when I clap really loud she doesn't move and she usually freezes. I'm so sad HELP!!

Sadly, form your other thread, the only thing you can do to help her is to take her to the vet. There are treatments for pituitary tumours that may work, but you have to go to the vet as soon as you see symptoms.

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