Pouncing Boy?

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New Member
Jul 23, 2013
So I have a rat named Cookie Dough, and his brother Nike.

At about 2 months old, Cookie became aggressive, towards people..Not Nike.

After a while, we got him medication cause he got sick. (He was now 4 months old)

He was on it for 3 weeks. I got back from a 4 day trip, having someone (my mom) take care of him. She did a good job, and handled him everyday.

When I got back he was super sweet.

But after a few days of that, he became so rude to me.

Recently (Today) HE POUNCED ME. I had nothing on my hands, and it was not a play pounce. He pounced me like a cat would, bit me (Didn't draw blood) And he like latched onto my hand! I pulled my hand away (Oh and he was in his cage, and he knew it was me..lol. He was letting me pet him and stuff like 5 minutes before)

Then later in the day, I went to pick him up (He was free ranging) And I was like 3 feet away, and I was talking to him and stuff, and he just ran over and did the same thing.

He didn't run away though, he just like walked over to me, like "What did I do?"

He really freaks me out now :(

I don't know what to do..Help?
He's not drawing blood? Is he poofy when he pounces? Is it in the cage or outside the cage as well? How old is he?

It may be that he's trying to play with you, male rats can be roudy. Sometimes (not very commonly) rats can be territorial in their cages, so it may also be he's pouncing on you when your hands are in his cage.
It sounds playful to me. Rats can inflict nasty bites and they bleed profusely. An old rat of mine got stuck in a wooden house because he was too fat and he panicked and so i reached in to grab the box so he could wiggle out and he got scared and reached back and bit me, my finger nail fell off and took 2 years to grow back normally. My mom then reached in to get him and he bit her on the same finger and she has nerve damage... he didn't mean to in this case I am just explaining a rat trying/wanting to cause damage is completely able to do so. Adding to Victoria's statement if hes not fluffing up and getting huffy and drawing blood it could be very well that he doesn't know boundaries while playing. Cats pounce the same while playing as they do when hunting, my sister in law has scars up and down her arms from her precious kitty "playing" with her. Without more info on the body language during these incidences my gut reaction is that he isn't malicious.
I concur that if he is not drawing blood, he is not trying to hurt you. So he is probably doing one of two things:

1. If he looks normal otherwise (not poufy or looking really upset), then he is probably playing with you. Do you play with him? Hand-wrestle and rough him up?

2. If he does look upset and poufy, he may be trying to warn you away. If this is the case, then a neuter may be in order...
I'm not as optimistic as the others. He's between 5 and 8 months old now? It sounds like his hormones are getting the best of him. I recommend having him neutered. I also recommend not putting your hand in his cage anymore and do not allow him to keep pouncing on you. If he does this outside of the cage, place him back in his cage for 5 minutes each time he does that.
That was my first reaction too Jorats, but he started acting this way at 2 months old, from what I read. But if he is about 5 to 8 months old now, I totally abide by the hormones theory - I've seen that first hand myself - and neutering has always been a complete success in calming down my hormonal boys, although it seems not to always be the case.

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