Post spay - when are they ready for intro's

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Portland, Oregon
Nammie and her daughter Scout were spayed last Friday. Both are young (4 and approx 6 months). We also have Nammie's three sons Oliver, Ozzy and Simon (along with another young rescue boy, Joey).

My plan is to reunite this little family as soon as the girls are healed up. They currently live with my witto old girl Dawnie (who is not spayed), and will continue to do so, until she passes on. But in the meantime, I'd like to have Nammie and Scout see the boys at playtime.

At 4 months old, the boys are definitely in that Frat Boy phase, where it's the WWF all the time. :wink2: Nammie and Scout are actually feeling very good after their spays and were running around last night as well.

My question is to those of you that have moved/introduced freshly spayed females to intact rowdy males. How long did you wait? I doubt it will be anything other than a little family reuinion...but I'm sure the boys will do a lot of butt sniffing and maybe a little I want to be sure the girls will be fine and not still feel painful from surgery. I hope the boys will recongnize their mom and sis and be respectful enough not to play "leap frog"....but I kind of doubt that. :doh:
I waited until they were healed completely and then introduced the boys. (a week and a half). And no the boys did NOT respect the moms or their sisters/cousins. lol
and on the other hand I intro'd my neutered Touille to my unspayed January (who I never saw act in the least indecent) and she immediately became a shameless hussy! :dancingbunny:
I'd intro as soon as you see they are feeling 100%, that can be a week or even less. I introed Callia a few of days after her spay, but the boys she was being introed to were over 18 months old and not really into playing hard.
Thanks guys. I do think we'll try tonight. Nammie and Scout are acting perfectly fine now. Matter of fact, Scout is back to her screachy self. I'm hoping her hormones will wear down soon and all this "drama queen" stuff she does, will end. She's been an eeky screamer since she was about 4 weeks old. You pet her and she eeks at you. You try to pick her up and she screams and leaps from your hands. But then of course, she runs RIGHT back as if nothing ever happened. It's hilarious, I tell ya.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes tonight. Both Nammie and Scout show the boys who's boss, if they get out of line. We plan to let the boys run and play for a while first, so they can calm down a bit, before seeing their mom and sis again.

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