Well-Known Member
I'm going to say likely more than is needed, but I want to be sure all possible contributing factors to my girly's behaviour are accounted for.
My aging little girl Iris recently lost her two sisters and cagemates/bestfriends.
Lily was pts a little over a month ago and Clover died in the cage during the day while no one was home about a week ago.
Although the vet never could definitively diagnose either Lily or Clover's causes of death, Lily had a facial tumor that we think may have been cancerous and after having done much research, I believe Clover had a pituitary tumor.
Iris has always been healthy. She was happy, healthy and popcorning around in the days before Clover's death. She loved to play and explore and climb and sit on your shoulder. She hated being held for long because there was so much to do! She was always too energetic to cuddle for more than a minute. The only thing that seemed wrong before Clover passed was that Iris was breathing a bit heavy. While this concerned me some, it didn't seem to bother her any, so I let it be.
The day Clover died, Iris seemed ok. The next day, she acted sad, as you would expect from one that is in mourning. Now, however, there are many more symptoms I have discovered...
-----Iris has been very listless and lethargic, she never goes up any of the levels in the cage anymore and I often find her dragging herself around on her tummy instead of walking (Note: she does still use her hind legs, but not much if she can help it). She no longer tries to catch herself when she's slipping off something (ie: my shoulder or the couch); she has lost her appetite even when her favorite foods are given to her, she has no interest in doing anything (I can pick up any part of her, arm, leg, head, and move it and she doesn't care, she's not grooming nearly as much), she's sneezing quite a lot with a fair amount of porphyrin, she also has what looks like blood in her urine and her stools don't look like they used to. One last thing I just remembered: Iris will sometimes end up rolling on to her back and laying there for hours. She will even let me tickle her tummy and she doesn't move. This is very uncharacteristic as she used to hate being on her back and would jump up and run away if you tickled her tummy.
So far I can see nothing wrong with her body (no tangible tumors or wounds) but there has to be something wrong. Iris is not pushing my hand away when I pet her head like Clover did in the days before her death and she is also not having balance problems like Clover was. Iris does still brux and boggle as well.
I took her to the vet today and all he said to me was that she is congested and gave me baytril for myco.
I know that can't possibly be the solution to all these things and I am very worried. I have been home with Iris for the last 3 days and I hold her constantly, taking her wherever I go, only putting her in the cage for 15 mins at a time to go potty and then tucking her in before I go to bed.
If anyone has any idea what this could be and how I can fix it, I would so appreciate it.
I love my girly so much! Sometimes more than my b/f. I need her to get better!
PS - Iris just turned 2yrs old. I have had her and both her blood-related sisters since they could be parted from their mom.
PPS - Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I figured since it's mostly behavioural I'd put it here.. upon re-reading it, I'm not sure where it should be!
My aging little girl Iris recently lost her two sisters and cagemates/bestfriends.
Lily was pts a little over a month ago and Clover died in the cage during the day while no one was home about a week ago.
Although the vet never could definitively diagnose either Lily or Clover's causes of death, Lily had a facial tumor that we think may have been cancerous and after having done much research, I believe Clover had a pituitary tumor.
Iris has always been healthy. She was happy, healthy and popcorning around in the days before Clover's death. She loved to play and explore and climb and sit on your shoulder. She hated being held for long because there was so much to do! She was always too energetic to cuddle for more than a minute. The only thing that seemed wrong before Clover passed was that Iris was breathing a bit heavy. While this concerned me some, it didn't seem to bother her any, so I let it be.
The day Clover died, Iris seemed ok. The next day, she acted sad, as you would expect from one that is in mourning. Now, however, there are many more symptoms I have discovered...
-----Iris has been very listless and lethargic, she never goes up any of the levels in the cage anymore and I often find her dragging herself around on her tummy instead of walking (Note: she does still use her hind legs, but not much if she can help it). She no longer tries to catch herself when she's slipping off something (ie: my shoulder or the couch); she has lost her appetite even when her favorite foods are given to her, she has no interest in doing anything (I can pick up any part of her, arm, leg, head, and move it and she doesn't care, she's not grooming nearly as much), she's sneezing quite a lot with a fair amount of porphyrin, she also has what looks like blood in her urine and her stools don't look like they used to. One last thing I just remembered: Iris will sometimes end up rolling on to her back and laying there for hours. She will even let me tickle her tummy and she doesn't move. This is very uncharacteristic as she used to hate being on her back and would jump up and run away if you tickled her tummy.
So far I can see nothing wrong with her body (no tangible tumors or wounds) but there has to be something wrong. Iris is not pushing my hand away when I pet her head like Clover did in the days before her death and she is also not having balance problems like Clover was. Iris does still brux and boggle as well.
I took her to the vet today and all he said to me was that she is congested and gave me baytril for myco.
I know that can't possibly be the solution to all these things and I am very worried. I have been home with Iris for the last 3 days and I hold her constantly, taking her wherever I go, only putting her in the cage for 15 mins at a time to go potty and then tucking her in before I go to bed.
If anyone has any idea what this could be and how I can fix it, I would so appreciate it.
I love my girly so much! Sometimes more than my b/f. I need her to get better!
PS - Iris just turned 2yrs old. I have had her and both her blood-related sisters since they could be parted from their mom.
PPS - Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I figured since it's mostly behavioural I'd put it here.. upon re-reading it, I'm not sure where it should be!