Possible allergy to bedding??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
Scooby has been with me now over 2 weeks. He's was sneezing here and there when he first came home, which I believe was probably due to the stress of having to adjust. He was fine afterwards... last Wednesday (over a week ago) I switched their bedding to Natural Critter Care and Scooby has been totally fine with it. Last night I woke up and he was sneezing over and over and over again... he's fine in every other way, still super active, eating, drinking, breathing fine. I put my ear to his chest... totally normal. But he's still sneezing a lot. Could he be allergic to the bedding or would he have started sneezing last week when I first switched it over? I did notice it was a bit dusty when I took the bedding out of the plastic, which kind of concerned me. His nose is a little bit runny too. No porphyrin...
When i had bedding problems, it was pretty instant. I worry about constant sneezes. To me that always turns into something. His lungs can be clear but still have an infection brewing. Sneezes can turn into pneumonia super fast. I had rats on their death bed and you never seen any porph so I would get him to a vet for meds just to be safe.
It could be the bedding as you said it was dusty.
You might want to do something about that to see if it helps
.... while waiting for a vet apt
I just called my vet and Dr. Hart (the only one in the clinic who treats ratties) isn't in until Monday. I'm really worried... I hope he's okay. :( I put some grapefruit extract in the water bottle... I hope that helps keep a possible infection at bay until Monday... poor boy. :( I'm going to switch his bedding over right now to see if it makes a difference...
I just switched the bedding back to aspen and the bottom of the cage was caked in dust and dust was flying in the air. Not very impressed, considering the packaging says "Virtually dusty free". I hope this helps him.
Almost all the bedding out there says dust free when in fact they lie. Even Yesterday's News is not completely dust free.
I hope your little one is doing better.

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