Poryphin Staining??

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2009
Las Cruces, NM
I've always wondered...what is it that causes the staining/discoloration of white fur? I've had it in girls and boys so I assume it's poryphin and not buck grease, but I've never been able to figure it out. My best guess has always been that when a sniffly rat is grooming the poryphin ends up in their fur where it stains, but I might be missing something.

I ask because our Grand Master Chub, aka Token, has definite rusty reddish-orange staining on his white bits. I've checked his skin and there's no scabs or scratches so I don't think it's blood, and we haven't had problems with lice in a long time (thank you, ivermectin). But he has been a little sniffly the past few days and I'm wondering if that's the correlation.....

ALSO. He sheds. I have never, ever had a rat that shed before, but he definitely does. Any ideas what could be causing that?

*will try to get pics up when I get off work*
could be just type of fur, milky sheds too (his fur is luxuriously soft compared to my other two non-shedders). as for the staining, their saliva is reddish, and normal grooming would cause that. or so I've heard!
Oh thanks for posting this fenshae! I too have been noticing my boys (but not the baby) getting a bit rusty and was worrying they might have mites or something, but have noticed no scratches or scabs or seen extensive scritching. and my rexy boy sheds too, you can always tell where he likes to hang out in the cage & which hammocks he likes best cause he leaves his fur behind!

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