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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
British Columbia
I know that this has probably been asked about 1000 times, but I couldn't find it in a search ...

When do you consider porphyrin secretion to be a concern? Muffie sometimes wakes up with some in one eye. She cleans it off and we don't see it again maybe for a couple of days. She's active, happy, eating (experimenting with new food - thanks to some advice here!) and is otherwise a really contented affectionate darling.

I was still feeling a bit freaky about it with a due date for our two new girls next week - but having read some of the other threads where porphyrin was discussed, a bit of porphyrin in sleepy eyes isn't an issue?

Where is the fine line between normal and DO SOMETHING?! What are the accompanying symptoms and what is the concern?

Thank you so much everyone!
I get really concerned with porphyrin if I see a bunch around the nose. On the eyes, it can be a number of things from a scratch to a blocked tear duct. One eye, to me is even less of a concern probably an issue with the eye. What I usually do is administer polysporin eye drops, twice a day for about 4 days. Sometimes it clears up, sometimes it doesn't. I've had rats with a mucky eye for the better part of their lives with no other issues.

Thank you for the reassurance, polysporin is an easy enough thing to find!

Dear Muffie, the first time we noticed it was after she'd had a snooze in my arms and had been happily braxing and boggling with the caressing she was getting.

If you can imagine my freaky response ... I thought the boggling was some kind of seizure ... and then she woke up with a red eye!!! :shock:

Some of us new kids on the block have a way to go in the experience/learning department!

But there has been the nagging concern that the porphyrin has an underlying health concern, and we've noticed it a few times.
We've all been there, being the new kid on the block.
Keep an eye on any other symptoms. Porphyrin is kind of the heads up. Reminding you to keep an eye on it.
I've thought it was normal to see them wake up with it around the eyes...kind of like a human having "sleep" or eye crusties in their eyes when they wake up. (Though not all the time, just occasionally upon waking only).

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