Please keep Sylvia, Dabbers and Sweetness in your thoughts

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska
Me and my rats are having a rough day. Last night when giving Sylvia her meds for a UTI she aspirated part of it. We both had a very long, very stressful night. She is very slowly getting better, but seems to be on the mend. Shelagh and Arlene stayed with me much of the day, and helped me though everything, they have been wonderful. I'm still very concerned about her, she is having a lot of issues still. I talked to the vet, and have given her fluids, so we have done all we can for her. If she gets worse I will take her in for oxygen, but the vet and I agreed the stress wouldn't be worth it at this point.

My very special Dangerous Beans has taken a sudden turn for the worse. She is the last of the sisters. They came from a stupid person breeding rats at home, and they were all so sick. I started loosing them when they were under a year old. Three had chronic URI's we have never been able to get rid of, the fourth died in her sleep around a year old. Dangerous Beans was the first to get sick, originally with a head tilt, and has simply never gotten better. She has her good days, and her bad days, but my vet and I have been fighting for her life for about 16 months now. She's nearing the end, her little body can only take so much. Her sisters gave up the fight a long time ago, and I had them put down. Dabbers keeps fighting though, and has stayed happy and upbeat the whole time, so I have fought for her in every way I can. She's really distressed this afternoon, I have no idea why, she won't take much food and is running around. She doesn't seem to have breathing issues, but I may nebulize her to see if that helps. If she decides she is done fighting then I will take her in. She's been though so much, I won't force her through anything she doesn't want to do.

I only have 8 rats. This is a quarter of my colony in a day. Sweetness is 44 months old, she won't be around much longer. I had 2 hours of sleep last night and have a huge headache that won't go away. I'm having a really bad day, and could just use a little support.

That really is hard, to have two in such danger on the same day. You have done wonders keeping Dangerous Beans alive so long, so I hope that she will rally once more.

Kisses and banana mash to Sylvia and Dabbers. Hugs to you!
Oh my dear... lots of healing vibes for both girls.
It can take quite some time for Sylvia to recover from aspirating... :hugs:
Thank you everyone :). It really does help to know I'm not alone. Dabbers is continuing to run around wildly, I have no idea what is up with her. She is refusing food, which is a really bad sign. She is very, very under weight from being sick nearly her entire life. I supplement her several times a day with baby cereal, baby food, and whatever I'm eating. She gets spoiled rotten with treats, she needs every calorie she can eat. Normally she does a happy dance every time food is presented, and eats as fast as she can. Her not taking treats is very concerning. I can't take her to the vet, her normal vet (who understands what all she and her sisters have been through) is out of town, and it stresses her out a LOT. She will not survive it, her body is too worn out. I promised her several months ago that her only trip to the vet will be to put her to sleep when she's ready. I'm not breaking that promise to her.

Sylvia is curled up in a huge pocket hammock with Sweetness, my 44 month old. This is the first time I have ever found Sylvia in a hammock, she likes to stick to the ground (she has OPINIONS). Sweetness is being very loving and caring, its hard to imagine that a little over a year ago they hated each other's guts. Sylvia was my first rat. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I brought her home, I'm glad I did. Even if it is really hard and hurts a lot sometimes.

Dabbers is having another freakout. I have no idea whats going on in her mind.

Sylvia is stable, but not improving as fast as I would like.

Sweetness is heading downhill. I have no idea what it is. We'll be at the vet tomorrow I guess. She's 44 months old, I'm really scared for her.

3/8 is too much. I haven't slept yet.

Pink, I am so sorry you are going through this with 3 of your sweet babies. I am sending healing vibes your way. :hugs:
Sylvia and Sweetness haven't left the hammock together in 30 hours. Sylvia has not slept in a hammock before in her life. Shes now making sounds when she breaths, I am calling the vet.

Sweetness is very lethargic. She may have shown a slight sign of PT, but I am not sure. She won't leave her hammock. It may be sympathy for Sylvia.

Dabbers is looking worse rapidly.

It was hard decorating the cage today knowing its the last time for a couple of them.

Sylvia and Sweetness are back.

Sylvia's lungs didn't sound that bad, but the vet could barely find or hear her heart. She had x-rays done, and her lungs still looked fairly clear, there is possibly a bit of liquid in one of them, but not enough to cause her problems. We're fairly certain her heart has issues. She received a shot of lasix, and looks better, but not all the way. I don't know what to do from here.

Sweetness is on a steriod. We fear PT, which means she won't be with me much longer. Its like she got old in 24 hours. Yesturday she was running around the house having a great day, you would never guess she was a day over 24 months. Today she is her 44 months, and just old. She's balling her fists, pushing, and sitting like a PT girl.

Dabbers is still crazy. I don't know whats up with her.

Is Sweetness also on antibiotics?
I didn't notice where you mentioned it.
When rats are on a steriod, they must be on an antibiotic because the steroid lowers their immune system.
Sweetness has been on Baytril and Doxy for 3 weeks now. I will keep her on it.

I don't think the aspiration caused the heart issues. She is still peeing blood, so he have decided to stop her antibiotic for the night. Its stressing her out a lot, and I'm afraid of her aspirating it again. We're waiting until morning to see how she is doing, if she needs more lasix we will give it too her. She hasn't quite been right since her last tumor removal a month ago, I suspect her heart issues have been present that whole time.


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