Patrick has attacked Sid

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Cleveland, England
Ugh :( im crying my eyes out :sad3:

Patrick has been really wierdly calm and loving lately and its been almost 2 weeks since his surgery. Maybe i am just god damn stupid. Their cages have been next to each other, and ive been swapping fleece over every day, so i thought i would crack on with intro's. Start from scratch.

I put them in the bath, neutral territory and all, and within 2minutes Patrick has ripped a few chunks out of Sid.

Sid is on my bed atm doing 20 fear poops, and wont let me go near him. i can see him bleeding on his back.

I think this is a no go zone

UGGGHHHH i want to hate Patrick right now :cry3:
im not trying it again. in a few months Sid could be dead and im not doing this again.

i was going to get two new rats as companions for Patrick but i honestly think he is a psycho and i really dont know if its a good idea anymore.

Are girls easier? in every way possible? i may have to move over to females if so