i have three male rats Remmy, Loki, and Baby. i have also just moved into a new house with them. my youngest baby as been acting strange recently he as been squeaking and becoming extremely paranoid. he hasn't been moving as much as he normally does and as been attacking loki when he gets to close. loki normally starts fights with baby but baby he doesn't normally just go after him just for being to close. he will try to come see me but when he tries he ends up squeaking really loudly and jumping i am scared to handle him to much cause i don't want to make anything worse. he also was just sitting at the upper level and stare and get really jumpy and sometimes when you go to pet him he would stiffen up. i separated him and put him in a one level area so that he doesn't have to clime and that he can rest by him self with out loki pestering him or either of the other two making him nervous. i don't know what area is really hurt i think its in his torso area but i have also noticed him cleaning the end of his tail all of the sudden which he as never done before. i don't think it is his feet either they look pretty good. but he does have a old foot injury from before i got him and it healed strangely but the vet said that it was ok but that could be hurting him. i really want to get him to the vet as soon as possible but i may not till a week or so i was wondering if anyone has ever heard of anything like this or know of any other precautions that i can take to make him feel any better? or any other info you could share with me that would help?