ok, my girls all got mites. I don't know where or how they got them, but they got them
(could it have been from washing the bedding in cold water? I dunno- I had no hot water for a few days and couldn't wait to wash their stuff...)
could they have gotten them from the vets?
I dunno....
But the pesky things are here and we are gonna evict them today!
yes there's a question in here somewhere :giggle:
I know you gotta clean out the cage and wash everything down when you do the Revolution, but what about things made out of wood?
My new girls came with a little wooden hut that they are extremely fond of, and when they first got here, I put the hut in the tub and washed it very well, used vinegar and hot water and then boiling water poured over it. (It had never been washed before)
that seemed good enough, but now that they've got mites, do I have to throw the hut out, or can I just wash it really really well again, and then after doing the boiling water rinse, dry and stick in the freezer for two days?
I'm gonna vacuum the carpet in their room really well- should I steam clean it too, or is vacuuming enough?
and the girls have been in other rooms, should all the rooms be super duper cleaned? what kills these suckers, besides boiling and freezing em? should I try electrocution as well?
can you tell that I *hate* mites?!?! :laugh4:
I just can't stand seeing my girls all itchy!!!
(could it have been from washing the bedding in cold water? I dunno- I had no hot water for a few days and couldn't wait to wash their stuff...)
could they have gotten them from the vets?
I dunno....
But the pesky things are here and we are gonna evict them today!
yes there's a question in here somewhere :giggle:
I know you gotta clean out the cage and wash everything down when you do the Revolution, but what about things made out of wood?
My new girls came with a little wooden hut that they are extremely fond of, and when they first got here, I put the hut in the tub and washed it very well, used vinegar and hot water and then boiling water poured over it. (It had never been washed before)
that seemed good enough, but now that they've got mites, do I have to throw the hut out, or can I just wash it really really well again, and then after doing the boiling water rinse, dry and stick in the freezer for two days?
I'm gonna vacuum the carpet in their room really well- should I steam clean it too, or is vacuuming enough?
and the girls have been in other rooms, should all the rooms be super duper cleaned? what kills these suckers, besides boiling and freezing em? should I try electrocution as well?
can you tell that I *hate* mites?!?! :laugh4:
I just can't stand seeing my girls all itchy!!!