My rat, Priscilla, recently had two tumors removed, one under her arm and one near her back leg. The area under her arm is healing nicely, but the one near her back leg has been an absolute nightmare. I didn't notice her or her sister chewing at it (I have been keeping a close eye on both of them) but one night I found the poor dear with blood gushing from the area! The sutures were completely gone and she had to go to an emergency vet, I thought she might bleed to death! They cleaned the wound and gave me some antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory, but I couldn't afford to have them stitch her up (cleaning the wound + the medicine was already more expensive than the surgery she had.) They bandaged her (which she immediately slipped out of when I brought her home) so the next day she went to her regular vet to get sewn back up. They told me she simply must wear her e-collar. I felt horrible, she looked absolutely miserable in it. I know every rat fansite I've read has said NO to these collars, and she was freaking out with it on, so I took it off briefly so she could drink/eat and just calm down. But she wasn't interested in any of that. She kept trying to chew at that wound, and I watched her for a few hours, stopping her every time, before I'd had enough. Unfortunately I can't watch her night and day, so the collar had to go back on. She looks completely miserable! She won't/can't eat or drink and just sits in the corner staring off into space. To top it all off, I noticed that the sutures are coming undone again. Not as completely as last time, but there is an opening and I'm about to crack! I've spent nearly $1000 in the past month on both my rat's tumor removal surgeries + the emergency vet visit + re-suturing the areas and I don't have anything left! My rats and I are both miserable....can someone please tell me what I need to do? Any ideas on how to speed the wound healing? I've heard the cervical collar is better than the e-collar, but I can't get my hands on one! Does anyone know a website that sells them? I'm at my wit's end. Please help me and my poor Priscilla.