One of my rats has figured out how to unlatch the cage door!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
Oh man, it started when one morning I went to check on my rats and found Peter sitting on top of the cage, the door to his part wide open. The door to the rat room was open too, so I'm really glad they were both still in there (Albus was still hanging out in the hammock), especially since who knows how long they'd been free.

Yesterday though was much worse. I have my four boys separated into two pairs because Peter has an aggression problem but is fine with his extremely chilled out littermate, and Peter's neuter was scheduled but cancelled when we found out our dog needed surgery, and then we moved which was expensive...anyway, last night I had Albus (Peter's cagemate) in the living room with us, on the couch. Peter was supposed to be free ranging alone in the rat room, but then I heard a rat scream and a bit of a clang, like something hitting/moving their cage. I went to check, worried that Peter and Fred were fighting between the cage, but they were both out, and Peter was chasing Fred (I assume, I was really just focused on catching Fred, since Peter was the puffball and bit my boyfriend pretty badly when he tried to grab Peter mid-fight). Poor Fred has a bunch of bite wounds AGAIN, though at least none are serious.

Lately we have a camera that monitors the rat cage (My boyfriend had to bring home a sample for his job, so it seemed like the best use), and so I watch them a lot, and we've noticed that Peter spends a ton of time climbing the cage and "talking" to Fred through the bars. There is no puffiness or meanness.

I am pretty sure Peter has figured out how to open the cage if it isn't cage has latches that latch and then push in to lock. I just need to remember to keep pushing it in. Before I bought it I read a lot of ferret owners saying their ferrets figured out the latch so they had to remember to lock it, and one rat owner saying it, but I kind of thought they were crazy, the latch is pretty heavy. Whoops.

The first time I thought it was my fault, but twice in a couple days, no way. The second time I'd even seen the cage was closed on the camera monitor, and 5 minutes later it was open. CRAZY.

This just makes me think "another example of why you should never keep mixed sexes together" because that would have been so much worse. It is another example of poor Fred getting all the injuries (I just posted a thread about him being accident prone). And it is another example of rats being smarter than people think.
Yeah, time to start locking those doors up tight! Depending on the style, you might want to get a dog-leash type clasp... extra insurance and it will remind you!
^Yeah, if I lock it in, it's very secure. It'll take some adjusting to remember, but I'm a pretty neurotic person so I tend to double check things anyway.

I am worried about the Fredster now though, he just got into a fight with his cagemate (I had given every one one baby carrot). They both seem fine, except poor Neville was really scared by it. He let me hold him for quite a while after I pulled him out (usually he won't tolerate being held for longer than it takes to pick him up and put him back in the cage), and he wouldn't take the carrot again, even after I put him on the ground and just left it. Poor guy.

Then I was wondering how Fred was doing, so stuck my hand in and he squeeked. SOOOO strange, he's usually way more interest in attention from me than in his food, but I've left him to eat his carrot and relax.

Peter had been on top of the cage right before I gave them all the carrots, so he might just have been stressed out from that. I don't think I could keep Peter from climbing the cage though...It really is time for Peter's neuter and re-intros but it's still not a good idea dog still has the problem that required surgery so she is suddenly much more expensive, and you never know when one of the boys will have an emergency too.

Edited for an update: Things are fine with Fred and Neville now. Fred boggled when I pet him, and when I put Neville back in it was all licks and love.
Yep, my girls are the Houdinis of the rat world. When they were living in the Rat Resort, they quickly learned how to open their door, One day I found the two of them hanging by their arms and kicking the door open with their feet (the door really wasn't that stable). For the remainder of time until I bought a CN for them, I had to secure the door with a garbage bag twist tie each time I put them back in their cage. Who says rats aren't intelligent. Not me, that's for sure :lol:
I am really glad i have dumb rats. One of my doors end up open, it looks like an episode of hoarders in my dining room LOL
Oh, my gawd. My rats are too dumb to think of escaping even when I forget to shut the cage door at all. You might want to invest in one of those carabina-clip things, they'll never get that open.
:giggle: Rats can be clever. I had two female rats who were amazing escape artists. I had to eventually put an extra lock on the cage door and be certain the rat playpen cover was well secured. I was constantly doing head counts because of those two girls.

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