OMG - Overdose?!?!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
United States
Hi, maybe I'm overreacting, but my husband just gave our 6 week old a little too much medicine.

We're supposed to fill it to the first line on the syringe (.1 ml I think) and he had is on the line between .1 and .2

Is this a negligible amount or is she going to be poisoned??

what is the medicine? and the big thing is getting confused between .01 and .1 but I haven't heard of that really hurting anyone yet so I'm sure your kid is ok.
Tell us what medicine she is on and we should be able to help you figure it out for the future.

One mistaken dose shouldn't hurt her and as was mentioned you would've seen the effects by now.
Ahhh amoxi has a broad range, so I am sure baby is alright :) Only issue I have is that it is not effective against mycoplasmosis...what is baby being treated for?

10 mg/lb , PO , BID 4
Given over 10 to 14 days.

10 mg/lb to 50 mg/lb , PO , BID 3
jorats said:
Ya exactly that... myco. :(
The baby is 28 grams... But Baytril should be the med for this wee one or azithromicin.

Jo that was a typo right??? 128 grams not 28 grams??? :shock:

Amoxi is good for young rats but useless against myco which this most likely is.

Definitely baytril or zithro. I have less and less issues putting babies on baytril then I used to. I prefer to nip illness in the bud young now ;)
Sorry for the delay, was asleep :)

She is on amox. for a URI not myco, she has been sneezing and the vet was even hesitant to give her anythng - he thinks it might be an allergy, virus, or NHS.

She gets 1 "line" on the syringe, very little. She been getting it for a week now and is still sneezing.

I have baytril here that was for my adult rat, .3 twice daily. Should I switch the little one to that med in a small dose?

Also, he has her on .1 once daily, should it be twice daily? I saw you write BID....

And here is a pic of the little darling - :D
lilspaz68 said:
jorats said:
Ya exactly that... myco. :(
The baby is 28 grams... But Baytril should be the med for this wee one or azithromicin.

Jo that was a typo right??? 128 grams not 28 grams??? :shock:

lol, I said the same thing as you... she's one ounce, I did the conversion and that's 28 grams. That's small for 6 weeks right?
One line on the syringe, if it's the syringe I use then that is .01. How long had she been sneezing for?
Hey lilspaz, long time no see... what's up with the old forum anyway. I'm actually glad that happened though, cause I LOVE this forum!!!! It's great!!

Anyway, a week ago when I brought her to the vet, she was 5 weeks old and they said she weighed an ounce (roughly 28 grams) Don't know what she weighs now, a week later at 6 weeks.
She's been sneezing since she was brought home, about two weeks ago.

She's been on the amoxicilin for one week and is still sneezing, however she shows NO signs of distress whatsoever and is the cutest energetic happy go luck little girl.

Is it possible that she simply has a common cold type virus that needs to run it course or something other than a URI?

All of your help is so very appreciated!! :D
I know giving Baytril before 6 months old, is contraversy and there's been much debate on it. Our vet however, is very against give Baytril before 6 months old, because of the chance it hinders bone development and can cause joint problems. With that said, I've used Baytril on a couple of youngsters, when it was a do or die situation that warranted a stronger AB. If they are very ill, Baytril certainly is the best.

I would personally suggest Doxy before Baytril though, unless the little one is very ill. I agree with the others that Cefa/Amoxi dosen't address Myco...but some vets are begining to use it more with URI that's mainly in the nasal areas. We haven't had much success with it for anything other than infection (which it's the BOMB!).

Can you get your little one on some Doxy? It's not quite as strong as some of the others, but if it works, you'll have more to work with later on, should she have troubles again.

Just my two cents.
If she started the sneezes when she was brought home it's most likely that it's the new home sneezes. Rats often have that when they are brought to a new home because their sense of smell is so sensitive that slight change bothers them. Also if you have air fresheners etc, change in litter, smoking, etc all these can make a BIG difference to the rat.
I too would try doxy. As for the Baytril, it's pretty much safe on young rats. I've used it all the time.
There were cartilage issues in puppies and kittens but nothing documented on rats or other small animals.
But... doxy is a good med to try especially if it's just sneezes.
Also... many rats have that new home sneezes where they sneeze for about a week until they get settled.
Things you could do as well, change the bedding, make sure there is no smoking or other scent around the rat, limit your perfume or hairspray.

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