Olive's Grooming Habits...

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Sharlees rattakisses

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
Toronto Canada
I think Olive suffers from "fur envy!!"
She zip,zap,zooms around the cage beating up the other girlies, then holds them down and grooms them.
No one is safe. :shock:
Is this a nakkid behaviour? or is Olive just ummm special? :lol:
Sharlees rattakisses said:
No one is safe. :shock:
My Maz is the same way, except he's not a nakie. If he's not stashing blocks, he's running back and forth between his brothers, pinning them and giving them a good bath. He just gets into one of the OCD grooming moods sometimes.
Sharlees rattakisses said:
I think Olive suffers from "fur envy!!"
She zip,zap,zooms around the cage beating up the other girlies, then holds them down and grooms them.
No one is safe. :shock:
Is this a nakkid behaviour? or is Olive just ummm special? :lol:
Hehehe not just a nakey thing, a rattie thing in general!
My eldest, Maisey, did this to Yumi and Geisha when I introduced them to her as younguns. She would force groom them and try to carry them by the scruff into the nesty box! I were worried at 1st but came to realise this is totally normal rat behaviour and it soon occured less and less.
My nakie..is crazy. C.R.A.Z.Y.

Right when she wakes up it's..hop (think for a second...) Oh! Oh I am awake now..Hop! Oh geez so much to do..HOP!!! Oh LOOK Eddy is awake too!! Oh Hai Eddy xbdjcbfKDCBRHDFVBRKCBHFVRB!! I popcorn all over you!

Kangaroo is what she is.

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