Hi cass-o-rat! How long have you had your ratties? (Sorry if you've been here a while and I don't know, I'm not the most on-the-ball here) Did you get them in the last week? It's not uncommon for them to have reactions to new situations. There's lots of other things that could be doing it too.
Is the weather changing there? Different
foliage can make a big difference allergy-wise especially if it's nice out and you have the windows open.
Is your
air really dry? If it's cold out and you are using a lot of heat and not having windows open it could be too dry, you can remedy that with some bowls of water placed in the room.
What are you using for bedding? People here could give you an idea of their experience with it.
Have you held their
chests up to your ear and tried to see if you can hear any noises apart from their faces? If you hear noise other than clear breathing in their
chests, not their noses then it's serious thing they need a vet.
I use the same cheap
detergent I use for my stuff since I wash it together often. I just don't use
dryer sheets when I wash their stuff (don't know if that makes any difference, just eliminating all the possible bothers to them I can - and darn it they love me when I'm full of static, it makes me almost as attractive as live wires)
Do you use
room spray around them? Let's face it, clean as we can keep them others often notice an animal smell if they don't have cages at home. If you do don't spray it where it can drift into the cage, you can see how the spray actually is there in the air physically, and it drifts down & out more than you see. Better to burn some incense maybe in their room? (that's what I do and it doesn't seem to bother them).
Oh, and finally - get rid of the boyfriend that's wearing
Brut aftershave. You'll thank the ratties for that in the long run