I looked in on my boys today and it horrified me. It appeared Splinter was favoring his left leg and I was scared he might have injured it somehow, so I took him out for some floor time to observe him walking around properly and he seemed fine. He quickly scurried the one place I couldn't reach him. Under my dresser. Ugh. So I spent an hour trying to coax him out with sunflower nuts, cheerios, and finally the winning food Pea baby food. Oh my god, most nerve wracking thing ever.
Anyhow, back to my original concern. Can rats have like sleepy legs or simply just need to stretch them out sometimes like us? Should I be concerned that he looked like he was favoring it if he was fine shortly after? I had just woken him up if that means anything? Maybe he slept on it wrong? I'm going to keep an eye on him for sure but I would just like your thoughts on the matter.
Anyhow, back to my original concern. Can rats have like sleepy legs or simply just need to stretch them out sometimes like us? Should I be concerned that he looked like he was favoring it if he was fine shortly after? I had just woken him up if that means anything? Maybe he slept on it wrong? I'm going to keep an eye on him for sure but I would just like your thoughts on the matter.