Oh no...Rat has lice!!

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Have you been succesful by using ivermectin horse dewormer??

  • Yes

  • No

  • I use revolution instead

  • I use something else.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2010
United States
Okay so my rat has little red bugs( I am pretty sure theyre lice) and I have tried...and tried...and tried to get rid of them. So now I am going to try and use 1.87% ivermectin horse dewormer and I hope that will get rid of them for good. So yeah I have a few questions...

1. I've heard that over dosage is EXTREMELY dangerous. Is this true?? Would you guys say that it is proabably safe to use..I'm nervous that I may overdose...

2. Would you say that these are safe to use??

Would one of them be better than another??

3. My rat is a little under1 pound....so do I give him then just a little under the size of an uncooked grain of rice??

4. Also my rat has scabs because he itches himself so much? Advice? I've tried something similar to neosporin.

Other help would be really nice because I am so desperate for the lice to go away.
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What does your vet recommend? I'd go with Revolution personally.

It's easier to overdose on Ivermectin, and overdosing can kill (unfortunately, one of our members found that out the hard way recently :( ). Overdosing on Revoluton can kill too, but the LD (lethal dose) for Ivermectin is much lower, meaning it takes LESS of it to overdose. So you really have to know what you're doing, it's best to let the vet handle it.

Your vet will also be able to give you the correct dosage and apply it for you. All of your rats will have to be treated even if they're not showing symptoms of lice.

Try trimming/filing your rat's nails down a bit so they don't hurt themselves too much when they scratch.
I've been to the vet a bunch of times and they kept doing injections, even when I suggested that it might be easier and more effective if we did it orally. but maybe your right because this would be my first time using ivermectin like this and I certainly dont wan to mess up.

my rat just doesnt sit still when I try to clip his nails...i read that you can put a brick underneath their waterbottle but Im worried because all of are bricks have been outside for years and probably have tons of bacteria and germs and stuff and my rat doesnt drink a lot of water as it is.

suggestions anyone??

edit:eek:h yeah and revolution is expensive although I know my mom will try to get me it if I ask her and give her a reason, but also I dont know if my vet will agree to get revolution if i ask since its a prescribed item and i cant find anywhere that will sell it in the size i want. if someone could give me a link that would be really helpful....
Many people have used Ivermectin successfully, but I never have, my vet always uses topical Revoluton.

Maybe suggest to your vet that you want a topical treatment?
My rats have never had lice but my mice have and my vet uses an oral ivermectin. Works great!
Little red bugs are lice for sure!
I use spot on ivermectin, my vet prefers that, and it works for them. I've had it injected to 3 of mine at another vets, and that's also worked, but I generally treat them at home using spot on iver.
Its a brand name for ivermectin in the UK.

Use the oral paste you have, give all your rats a piece the size of an uncooked grain of rice (all adults right?), then scrub down the cage, throw out or freeze any wood objects, scrub the plastic ones, wash any fabrics in hot hot water.
Then do it again in a week, and then another week.

Freeze any paper or wood-based beddings for 48 hours before using from now on to kill any future stowaways.

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