I have two male rats, both unneutered. Whenever I let them out of their cage for playtime, it's onto my bed. I don't have a good rat-proofed space so my big bed is like their playground. The reason I got males versus females was because I was told they are a bit more lazy, like to cuddle, etc. However, my rats never sleep with me. The moment I wake up or come into the room they're out of their beds in the cage and hanging on the wire sides to see me. Then, when I let them out for playtime, they are constantly running around, sniffing, chewing, etc. I don't think this behavior is bad, however I just wish they would cuddle and sleep with ME! :roll: Haha. Is this normal? I'm not sure how to make them bond more with me... No matter how long I keep them out they never seem to settle down, they're constantly on the go. Please help!!