ok, forgive me if this post is a mess! I am running on 5 hours sleep and need to pass out!
so, just over a week ago I brought home 1 boy and a pair of sisters. the boy obviously lives in one room and the girls the others, as we do not want any litters. the girls are set to be spayed as soon as they are big enough.
they are from a shelter who took them in from a hoarding situation. they are super friendly, but quite a bit skittish still (loud noises means a freak out. and loud doesn't have to be very loud for them). they are getting braver by the day though.
tonight I was doing a pre-bed time check in and playing with the girls. everything was dandy, except for one girl being skittish (she was a little hand shy after being held still for revolution dosing the night before. she was held still for like, 30 seconds and she still resents it lol) until I noticed the other girl doing what I associate as territorial behavior. she was rushing around the cage, rushing at the bars (not lunging, but very much so needing to BE at the bars. like when there's something right on the other side they see as a threat.), etc. so I let her out when she slowed down a bit. she then proceeded to go between being normal and rubbing her lower body (almost frog legged. like she was rubbing her genitals on the carpet), digging at the carpet, etc. she would go up to a book and rub on it flopping around (this probably being the more traditional territorial behavior that I am familiar with). in between she'd just be running around exploring, thought a bit more intense/energetic than usual. it was all very charged/frantic.
she had been fine just a moment before and for about 15 - 20 minutes of play time. I probably had boy smell on me, as he lives in my room and I handle him off and on. but they've been exposed to his scent all week and even have a few things with his scent in their room and haven't reacted to it at all.
my first instinct is to say this was territorial, triggered by what I am not sure. it just happened so out of the blue and was so frantic, I am puzzled.
I've been very lucky in the past, I've only had a couple territorial rats (both girls), but neither did any rubbing, etc. behavior. they were more "we won't let you intro ANYONE into our cage >".
so, just over a week ago I brought home 1 boy and a pair of sisters. the boy obviously lives in one room and the girls the others, as we do not want any litters. the girls are set to be spayed as soon as they are big enough.
they are from a shelter who took them in from a hoarding situation. they are super friendly, but quite a bit skittish still (loud noises means a freak out. and loud doesn't have to be very loud for them). they are getting braver by the day though.
tonight I was doing a pre-bed time check in and playing with the girls. everything was dandy, except for one girl being skittish (she was a little hand shy after being held still for revolution dosing the night before. she was held still for like, 30 seconds and she still resents it lol) until I noticed the other girl doing what I associate as territorial behavior. she was rushing around the cage, rushing at the bars (not lunging, but very much so needing to BE at the bars. like when there's something right on the other side they see as a threat.), etc. so I let her out when she slowed down a bit. she then proceeded to go between being normal and rubbing her lower body (almost frog legged. like she was rubbing her genitals on the carpet), digging at the carpet, etc. she would go up to a book and rub on it flopping around (this probably being the more traditional territorial behavior that I am familiar with). in between she'd just be running around exploring, thought a bit more intense/energetic than usual. it was all very charged/frantic.
she had been fine just a moment before and for about 15 - 20 minutes of play time. I probably had boy smell on me, as he lives in my room and I handle him off and on. but they've been exposed to his scent all week and even have a few things with his scent in their room and haven't reacted to it at all.
my first instinct is to say this was territorial, triggered by what I am not sure. it just happened so out of the blue and was so frantic, I am puzzled.
I've been very lucky in the past, I've only had a couple territorial rats (both girls), but neither did any rubbing, etc. behavior. they were more "we won't let you intro ANYONE into our cage >".