So, it has been a very difficult almost 2 years for Scott (Boreal Hiker) and me. During that time, Scott has had 2 strokes, 2 seizures and numerous setbacks with his rehabs. He is still plugging along and is trying to be optimistic about his recovery. I know all of you who love ratties understand how important ours have been to him. I think at times they are all that keeps him going.Of course, as life goes on, we have lost a number of our furry dears since June/10 -Rose, Cassie, Dusty ,Olive and the 3 "Noisy Boys" -Twang, Plink and most recently Zwack. We still have our naked boy, Carlin and the big boy Spots. :sad3:
Now to the issue: 2 weeks ago Scott was having a very discouraging time so during a big brain cramp, I picked up 2 new baby girls. Lily who was 14 wks and Iris who was 8 wks. :emb: We put them together and all seemed okay with some scrapping, mostly Lily starting it. And they were still getting used to us. On the 28th I took the cover off their cage in the morning and found a HUGE pile of bedding up on the 2nd floor and Lily in the middle of producing eepers! No wonder she was stand- offish. We believe she had 8 but she is SO protective we can't get near her or the babies. It's all I can do to give her fresh food and water. Can she ever move fast and bite hard!
Sorry for the long post but I need some help and advice Thanks! Sal
Now to the issue: 2 weeks ago Scott was having a very discouraging time so during a big brain cramp, I picked up 2 new baby girls. Lily who was 14 wks and Iris who was 8 wks. :emb: We put them together and all seemed okay with some scrapping, mostly Lily starting it. And they were still getting used to us. On the 28th I took the cover off their cage in the morning and found a HUGE pile of bedding up on the 2nd floor and Lily in the middle of producing eepers! No wonder she was stand- offish. We believe she had 8 but she is SO protective we can't get near her or the babies. It's all I can do to give her fresh food and water. Can she ever move fast and bite hard!
Sorry for the long post but I need some help and advice Thanks! Sal