Not sure about my little can never just be one!?!?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Syracuse, NY, USA
Suri is now 33 months old, and she is suffering from cronic respiratory issues. She breathes really loud and it is getting really hard to watch/hear. She has been on and off a Baytril/doxy combo, but everytime she is off she just gets worse. I know I should probably have her on it 24/7 now, but I am just wondering how her qualitity of life is at this point. I know that she is not ready to go yet, I just really worry about her. She still eats but she is very thin, even for her (she has always been a lean girl). Sometimes she will climb to the top of the cage and just sit up their with laboured breathing.

I will try to get some pics and a videos of her later, and I am definately going to continue her meds. I just hope I am doing the right thing....
It's a tough decision when they have reached a point where the meds don't really do much anymore. I've got a few right now that will be on it for life but currently their quality of life is very good.
With mine, if they come out during out time on their own, eat and have cuddle buddies, then it's not time to quit just yet.
I know how you feel of my guys is getting to the point where the meds are starting to not work and it is so painful to listen to him breathe. I am just dreading the time when I will have to let him go. Hugs for you and your girl :hugs:
Not an easy thing to do and I think Jorats has hit it on the head. Just remember we as humans often become selfish and look at how "we" will feel with our pet gone. Take a good hard look at Suri and make a decision if she's not ready, you will still be able to find that little sparkle in her eye. :heart:
Well, last night during my attempt to give Suri her meds (she can be a stubborn one, she is not a fan of being held even in her old age). I noticed Teddy had some sort of abcess under his neck. So I took him out for further inspection. Now Teddy has always been the "ugly duckling" if you will. He is by no means ugly but his fur is just really weird, its longer then most of my rats and it always looks oily and kind of icky. I used to just think it was from buck grease, but he has been neutered for months now with no change. I always just brushed it off as wierd fur (as he has been treated for mites, and usually acts normal, well for him)...but when I took him out last night he was a bit slower then usual, he almost seemed dehydrated. His breathing seemed rather labored, but not noisy. I had him out for almost an hour last night and he only explored for a bit and then he was happily sitting in my lap enjoying scritches...that it totally out of character for Teddy. I do realize he is aging, but does anyone have any idea what this could be? I have a feeling there is something going on here, but I have never had a rat act quite like him...

I know a vet visit is in order, but I just thought I would check in here first...
very quickly since I am at work...
your old girl may benefit with the addition of steroids to make her breathing more comfortable. I am doing this on an every 2nd-3rd day basis with 18 month old Mira.

Your boy may have heart issues, and you might want to try a diagnostic dosing for could also try your girl as well if you have enough meds for both.
So your thought is CHF? Wow how many CHF cases can one person have? I mean most of my rats get to that one year mark (that is if they make it there :sad3: ) and then the breathing issues begin (well with Suri it was the 2 year mark) both Minnie and Zorri had to be PTS when it got real bad....
lilratsy43 said:
So your thought is CHF? Wow how many CHF cases can one person have? I mean most of my rats get to that one year mark (that is if they make it there :sad3: ) and then the breathing issues begin (well with Suri it was the 2 year mark) both Minnie and Zorri had to be PTS when it got real bad....

If you have CHF prevalent in your rats in the area, then always suspect it.
No harm to test-dose them right?

CHF is usually combined with a respiratory issue as well :(
That of course makes perfect sense. I definately wish that wasn't the case...go figure everyone of the rats with supected CHF (both present and past) has been from a pet store (not the same ones but...interesting).

Well I will definately talk to the vet about getting some steriods, I have to go soon anyway because Rhys needs a teeth trimming..
You mentioned baytril. Have you tried combos such as baytril + zithro?
When various combos of antibiotics do not help it is always a good idea to test dose for chf.
Lasix. a puffer, and nebulizing with gentamicin might help with the breathing as well.

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