Not quite biting, but...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2009
New Hampshire
Ok, I've never had a rat do this to me. When I have them out, Oliver will bite me randomly on the leg/ankles/feet. It's not hard, kind of like a pinch. I don't know if he's just tasting my legs or what...but he does it a few times almost every time they're out. It's so weird! I know he's not trying to hurt me, but I have no idea WHY he does it! It's also when he's under the blanket I'm under...I don't think I've ever had him do it without being under a blanket. Anyone else had a weird rat that does this or have any insight?
Yep... I call them nippers. I've had a few. Currently my Bronco plays with me that way. He comes to nip not hard at all and I grab his teeth. He thinks it's fun. lol
That's so cute. My girls will sometimes use their teeth/mouth as an extra paw if they want to pull my hand into the cage. It's easier for them because otherwise they would need to use two paws. What you described could be playing as Jo said. It could also be grooming behavior because, though I don't hear of them doing it to humans much besides our finger nails, they will use their teeth to groom other rats.
Our Gregory nips if you happen to be wearing socks. Apparently socks insulted his mother, who knew?

Quilt has the habit of tugging on our clothes to get our attention, such as "Pick me up/put me down!"
Our girls nibble our feet and it tickles like hell! i'm scared i'm going to twitch from tickly-ness and fling a ratty across the room!
I just had a thought about the blanket. It's something my hamster is more zealous about than my rats but the rats will nibble under the blanket or in my shirt too. It's dark under there and their eye sight isn't good to begin with and so I think it's just them getting a little nervous and seeing what's what.