When I left this morning for work everyone seemed to be doing fine. Norman ate a little and nobody had any marks on them. But tonight when I went to take the rats out for their playtime, Norman didn't come out of his house. When I lifted it off of him he had a bite mark, and he was cold to the touch, fairly limp and very lethargic. I carefully washed off the blood with warm water, and have him wrapped in a towel on a heat pack. I took his temperature and is was 99.0F. I can't get him to eat anything, not even baby food with strawberry nesquik or his favorite yogurt drops. He seems to be hydrated, when I pinch his skin in quickly goes back. His breathing is not raspy or labored anymore then usual. Every ten minutes or so he does this really weird head bobbing movement and his eyes go really bulgy.
Does anyone else have advice on what to do?
Does anyone else have advice on what to do?