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Aug 15, 2012
Hi All,

I've been reading over the forums a bit as I am concerned about my new rats and i'm unsure as to what to do. So i felt some straight advice would be good.

I've had my rats just over a week now (Molly and Poll), and since I got them they were a bit sneezy. I thought nothing of it at first, I think partially not knowing it could be an issue and thinking there were a lot of new smells that could take some adjusting to.

However, 5 days in Molly started discharging Polyriphin (spell check), from her nose so I immediately took her to the vet.

He has prescribed Baytril (2.5% 0.05mls) daily per rat. It's now 3 days in and they do not seem an awful lot better, Polly I think might even be worse, though she was not overally symptomatic when first going to the vets. The vet said I should see out the 5 day course and bring them back if they are no better but I'm still concerned and contemplating taking them back sooner. They are both making the "monkey" noises I have read about. Listening to their chests they don't seem to bad though. Sneezing is pretty much every 5 minutes.

Does Baytril work like some human antibiotics, as in you get a bit worse before you get better?
Should I wait or take them back asap.

I'd welcome any questions and advice.
Well just like human antibiotics it takes a few days to build up in your blood stream and actually start to fight the infection. With rats its normally 4-5 days before you see an improvement. What really concerns me here is the vet giving you only 5 days worth of antibiotics and thinking it will cure them :( Minimum treatment should be for 2 weeks.

but lets go back to your babies. Is the porphryin only on her nose when she wakes up or all day long?
lilspaz68 said:
Well just like human antibiotics it takes a few days to build up in your blood stream and actually start to fight the infection. With rats its normally 4-5 days before you see an improvement. What really concerns me here is the vet giving you only 5 days worth of antibiotics and thinking it will cure them :( Minimum treatment should be for 2 weeks.

but lets go back to your babies. Is the porphryin only on her nose when she wakes up or all day long?

I did think reading around that it was a bit short of a course to be honest. I might mention that to the vet when I defiantly take them back at the end of the 5 days.

Sorry I forgot to mention in my first post. It was only Molly that showed any porphryin and only once. But being a new owner and never having rats before, that was enough for me to get them straight to the vet!
Ya is it on her nose constantly? Are the sneezes wet (most likely are if she's got gunk on her nose) and ya my vet would perscribe over two weeks worth of baytril when my boys had that issue.
EDK said:
Ya is it on her nose constantly? Are the sneezes wet (most likely are if she's got gunk on her nose) and ya my vet would perscribe over two weeks worth of baytril when my boys had that issue.

As above i've only seen the discharge once. Yes the sneezes are wet.
Are they rapid? Like little machine guns?

do you use any strong scents near them? air freshners, perfume, candles etc?

a lot of babies come home and get what we call New Home Sneezies...they have such sensitive respiratory systmes and it can take them a week to acclimate. Can youhandle your new babies? Are you able to lift them and hold their sides to your ear to listen to their breathing? We call this rat phone. Listen for crackles, gurgles, wheezes etc
lilspaz68 said:
Are they rapid? Like little machine guns?

do you use any strong scents near them? air freshners, perfume, candles etc?

a lot of babies come home and get what we call New Home Sneezies...they have such sensitive respiratory systmes and it can take them a week to acclimate. Can youhandle your new babies? Are you able to lift them and hold their sides to your ear to listen to their breathing? We call this rat phone

Yes they certainly can be, Molly despite seeming to be the most unwell is often darting around the place. But other times she sits their doing nothing, rats I guess!

No, no strong smells are near them.

Yes they've grown really used to us quickly. I had a quick listen and...

Molly:Was ok at first, so I switched to Polly. Switched then back to Molly and could hear that "Monkey"noise.
Polly: Sounded ok, but she is a little squirmer so it's hard to tell. A little bit wheezy maybe.

Just a little bit about their cage, they are using (as recommended by the seller), care fresh mixed in with like a wooden cat litter.

EDIT: I also think I have enough Baytril for more than 5 days, should I keep them on it for longer or check with the vet first?
Hmmm is the wood pine or cedar? I also find that carefresh is dusty and me and my rats sneezed until I removd it.

if you want to check for environmental triggers...try them on white paper towel or fleece that has been washed in no-scent laundry detergent.
jackwetson said:
It's this. Now it doesnt say it's pine, but pine scent. Now that could be down to stuff added to it. Mind you reading the review the quaility seems to have gone downhill recently and become more dusty... It's what was recommended however. ... home-77355

it will be pine and pine is incredibly bad for rats. There are phenols in softwoods and they can hurt a rat's respiratory system, and also poison the liver if left on too long...nasty stuff.

Get rid of that for sure!
I certainly will do. I will just use paper towell in the meantime. Do you think i should leave the care fresh in the to see if it's just the pine? Though the woman at pets @ home said she used it for her own rats. Is there anything you can recommend. Preferably from Pets @ Home (as it's the closest place even at 30 minutes away) if they even sell decent stuff, it would appear not!
jackwetson said:
I certainly will do. I will just use paper towell in the meantime. Do you think i should leave the care fresh in the to see if it's just the pine? Though the woman at pets @ home said she used it for her own rats. Is there anything you can recommend. Preferably from Pets @ Home (as it's the closest place even at 30 minutes away) if they even sell decent stuff, it would appear not!

Is there a link to their store you can pop up here and I'll look at it tonight?
lilspaz68 said:
jackwetson said:
I certainly will do. I will just use paper towell in the meantime. Do you think i should leave the care fresh in the to see if it's just the pine? Though the woman at pets @ home said she used it for her own rats. Is there anything you can recommend. Preferably from Pets @ Home (as it's the closest place even at 30 minutes away) if they even sell decent stuff, it would appear not!

Is there a link to their store you can pop up here and I'll look at it tonight?

If you could that would be great i'd really appreciate it. Even though I've only had them just over a week I love Molly and Polly to bits and just want them to get better so we can get back to bonding rather than trying to get them to is Baytril! or anywhere else in the UK i can order stuff from :)
lilspaz68 said:
Ahh okay, yes go with that litter :)

Will do. Thanks every so much for the advice.

Update on the rats, they actually seemed a lot perkier this morning. Still sneezing but not as much and their chests sound a bit clearer, maybe the Baytril is finally kicking in :)
That looks like a good cage. And ya for bedding I don't use any of the carefresh or aspen etc, I use kitty litter Yesterday's News instead. It's pellets basically made from newspaper, but you can get pellets at a hardware store that are none-cedar made, by the pounds for a cheaper price. My vet approves of Yesterday's News though or pellets as do many folks here, defiently isn't dusty hehe :D
EDK said:
That looks like a good cage. And ya for bedding I don't use any of the carefresh or aspen etc, I use kitty litter Yesterday's News instead. It's pellets basically made from newspaper, but you can get pellets at a hardware store that are none-cedar made, by the pounds for a cheaper price. My vet approves of Yesterday's News though or pellets

jackwetson is from the UK, so they have different products they can get.

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