New Member! :) And HELP!!!! My female rat is in distress...

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Dec 2, 2012
Hey guys, this is my first time posting here.

I have a fancy named Nez, she's about 3-4 months old. I've had her since September 1st, and later in October, I got her a cagemat named Miko (Female). Miko and Nez get along marvelously, and both were in absolute tip top of health! Until recently...

Nez has become rather skinny. VERY skinny. I can feel her spine. I figured this was due to Miko hogging the food, so I have been isolating them during feed times. But JUST last night, I noticed some very alarming behavior in Nez. I can't really describe it too well, but she seems rather lethargic. She always has that sleepy look in her eyes unless she's running around outside of her cage or if I give her a delicious treat. She also has some fur missing around her genitals/tail area. The picture was after I cleaned up her bottom a bit, it looks better but still rather bare.
I figured she was either barbaring or Miko was overgrooming her.

Here's a picture:

But the most alarming to me is how she moves/drags herself...
Here's a video of how she's moving around....

[BBvideo 450,375:3tzz51r0][/BBvideo:3tzz51r0]

Can anyone help me out here?! I'm baffled and really worried.
Thanks in advance. :(
In the video she is doing owie stretches which indicates abdominal pain. From the picture it looks as if she has urinated on herself and has blood in her urine. My first thought would be a UTI (urinary tract infection).

She needs to see an exotic vet as soon as possible.

Also, welcome to the forum! :)
RattusNorvegicus said:
In the video she is doing owie stretches which indicates abdominal pain. From the picture it looks as if she has urinated on herself and has blood in her urine. My first thought would be a UTI (urinary tract infection).

She needs to see an exotic vet as soon as possible.

Also, welcome to the forum! :)

Actually that was one of the first things I checked for. I haven't seen any drops or colorations of blood in her urine or anywhere....I guess the lighting's really bad. :( I'm concerned with the "owie stretches".
Ouch those are really severe owwie stretches, she is in a lot of pain. Losing weight, owwie stretches indicate something pretty involved. She needs a good vet ASAP. The urine may be from not feeling well enough to take care of herself, or she's not lifiting up as she pees, or it still could be a UTI. She needs pain meds now and probably antibiotics and a gentle physical exam.
Okay, I don't know when I'll be able to take her to Vet (I'm really broke), I really didn't expect to run across any problem this early into her life... However, I have an update from this morning. I have had her in a separate single level cage (also to help her get more food intake). She woke up this morning and has been active and about, and hasn't done any of the owie stretching. She has however, been scratching at her left ear quite frequently followed by a quick head shake (almost like she's wet and is trying to dry off). When I get off work, I will recheck her condition.

Is there any possible diagnosis just from what you have seen? :( I wish I knew what I was dealing with..
I'm keeping her separate cage right next to her cagemate. There is a possibility that she could have fallen, which was another reason why I felt I should put her in a single level cage for the time being. Both her and her cagemate actually live in a 3 story cage.
I've got an update!

I haven't seen Nez doing any of the owie stretches today, so I put her back in with her cagemate. She's been eating normally and running like crazy on her wheel!

However... her cagemate is jumping all over her and aggressively grooming her under belly until the point where she'll squeak. The more I keep seeing her cagemate's behavior, the more I feel like she's the culprit. I feel like she pushed her off the top tier and she landed wrongly. :(
I'm sorry but that girl really needs to see a vet. is there anyone you can borrow money from? apply for care credit?

a problem that severe doesn't just go away overnight, and you said she was losing wt,too-
and that urine on her underside like that, that is NOT normal, rats are very clean animals, they don't let themselves get like that unless they are not well.
is she still scratching at her ear? any bad smell coming from it at all?

the other rat is probably upset because she knows her buddy is not well and she's trying to clean her up and help her. an infection is not going to go away without antibiotics, if that's what the problem is,

please find some way to get her to a vet. borrow the money somehow, and if you can't, then maybe see if you can find someone who is willing to take the girls in and get them vet care

I know that's not what you want to hear but you need to do what is best for these girls, ok?
Yes, she's still scratching at her ear. She also seems like she squints or half-closes the eye that's on the same side of the said ear too. Still seems sluggish but it doesn't stop her when she romps. It feels like she's put on a LITTLE bit of weight since I had separated her to eat overnight.

I am looking around for a vet right now. The closest one seems to be about an hour out from where I live.
the scratching at her ear and shaking her head could also be an inner ear infection...they are painful as well, and can make a rat dizzy enough to fall off of things.
Sorry hun, but I agree with everyone else - if she is developing an inner ear infection, it is VERY important to get her started on antibiotics ASAP. It will make a HUGE difference in her recovery. If she has a urinary tract infection, the antibiotics will help that too. I've had UTI's myself, and they are not pleasant!!!
Good luck with the vet - it will be the best Christmas present you can give her. Maybe you can ask for money for the vet as your Christmas present from your family.
Hopefully you can get her to a vet ASAP, been recently dealing with an acute inner ear infection here, and it's left my boy with a permanent tilt now, so if you can catch it early that would be best! Losing weight that dramatically though is always a sign of something fairly bad :(

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