Hi everyone:
My name is Carol; just joined tonight. I have two female rats, Jackie and Squeaks. I think that my sweet Jackie, who is 26 months old, might have PT. I noticed a few weeks ago that she seemed to be slowing down. I've had her to the vet seven times since November, trying to figure out why she kept making strange gurgling noises in her sinus area. Her lungs have always been clear, but the noises sounded like congestion in the nose.
I've had her on various medications for months; sometimes doxycycline, sometimes that with bayril; another time the vet prescribed clavamox; she'd improved somewhat on six weeks of azithromycin, then the noises returned. Sometimes, she'd whine a bit now and then like a little dog; I'd hear soft popping sounds in her nose.
The vet said maybe allergies, maybe minor upper respiratory. He told me not to use prednisone - said it would suppress her immune system.
Then, just over a month ago I noticed that she started to not be able to jump up onto things as well; she'd stumble a little, then try again, as if her strength was lessening.
Two weeks ago, when she'd seemed a bit quiet and wanting to sleep more than usual, on Sunday, April 17, I woke up and saw that she was very lethargic and her balance was off on the right side, despite being on regular doxy.
Took her to the vet again; got her onto baytril with doxy again and started prednisone; also asked for Tamoxifen. She had a few 'better moments' over the first week, but this week she has really gone downhill; the slant to the right has worsened. She can still walk, but weak; her legs or arms aren't stiff, but she's very unsteady on her feet and often rolls over to the right.
She wants to move; her eyes are bright, but she's so limp and has lost most of her energy.
I currently have her on prednisone and Chloramphenicol twice a day. I don't know what else to do. Is there anything I can do to help her feel better? I am heartbroken. If she goes, her adopted sister, who is 20 months, will be alone. I've had many rats over the years; I was hoping this was just an ear infection, but after all these antibiotics, would she still be getting worse?
My husband thinks I should stop having rats for a number of years because this is so heartbreaking to me. On one hand, I feel I need a break, as almost 50 rats in 10 years has been SO hard; yet, I don't know what I'll do without any little cuddlers for a while.
If nothing else, thanks for listening, and any advice you can provide to us
My name is Carol; just joined tonight. I have two female rats, Jackie and Squeaks. I think that my sweet Jackie, who is 26 months old, might have PT. I noticed a few weeks ago that she seemed to be slowing down. I've had her to the vet seven times since November, trying to figure out why she kept making strange gurgling noises in her sinus area. Her lungs have always been clear, but the noises sounded like congestion in the nose.
I've had her on various medications for months; sometimes doxycycline, sometimes that with bayril; another time the vet prescribed clavamox; she'd improved somewhat on six weeks of azithromycin, then the noises returned. Sometimes, she'd whine a bit now and then like a little dog; I'd hear soft popping sounds in her nose.
The vet said maybe allergies, maybe minor upper respiratory. He told me not to use prednisone - said it would suppress her immune system.
Then, just over a month ago I noticed that she started to not be able to jump up onto things as well; she'd stumble a little, then try again, as if her strength was lessening.
Two weeks ago, when she'd seemed a bit quiet and wanting to sleep more than usual, on Sunday, April 17, I woke up and saw that she was very lethargic and her balance was off on the right side, despite being on regular doxy.
Took her to the vet again; got her onto baytril with doxy again and started prednisone; also asked for Tamoxifen. She had a few 'better moments' over the first week, but this week she has really gone downhill; the slant to the right has worsened. She can still walk, but weak; her legs or arms aren't stiff, but she's very unsteady on her feet and often rolls over to the right.
She wants to move; her eyes are bright, but she's so limp and has lost most of her energy.
I currently have her on prednisone and Chloramphenicol twice a day. I don't know what else to do. Is there anything I can do to help her feel better? I am heartbroken. If she goes, her adopted sister, who is 20 months, will be alone. I've had many rats over the years; I was hoping this was just an ear infection, but after all these antibiotics, would she still be getting worse?
My husband thinks I should stop having rats for a number of years because this is so heartbreaking to me. On one hand, I feel I need a break, as almost 50 rats in 10 years has been SO hard; yet, I don't know what I'll do without any little cuddlers for a while.
If nothing else, thanks for listening, and any advice you can provide to us