needing help with my rats.

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Aug 23, 2011
Newcastle UK
I have two boys & two girls

in a few weeks time im going to be doing my very first ever intro im kind of worried because i dont know what to expect or what to look out for..good and bad signs.
dont worry they have been neautred :p

anyone give any

would be really greatfull..also if all goes well between them then im going to be adopting two new baby dumbo males. (already done)

so anyone who has done this before maybe give me a little advice with it please :)
Weird... How did I miss that about the boys being neutered. Lol
Two boys being introed to two girls, I'm betting it's going to go real good. You'll have an awesome colony when you're done.
Start with neutral ground and so on...
I agree with Jo. The easiest intro i have ever done was a mixed sex colony. It has also been one of the best. To see them all loving it amazing. Males are the only rats that my girls take kindly too.

I wish you luck in your intros.
jorats said:
Weird... How did I miss that about the boys being neutered. Lol

LOL I missed it too.

Good luck! Neutered males and females usually get together really well.

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