Myth or truth? Rats and the common cold?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
Hi everyone,

Yesterday, I bought a precious little baby girl dumbo rat. She is my first rat in many many years. I got her home and we quickly bonded and had a nice night o playing and cuddling.

This am, I woke up with slight cold symptoms and right away thought back to my past with rats, where I was told that they COULD catch the common cold. I was instantly worried that I exposed her last night and went online to do research and was met with many pages stating that this was a myth.

I am still a bit worried so I thought I would check with people on here. Any help would be appreciated!


Laura and Baby Bella
You rattie cannot catch a cold from you. The only virus that can be transmitted between rats and humans is strep.

Also I hope you will consider getting your little girl a friend :)
Nope! A common human cold won't have any effect on a rat. Rats can develop similar symptoms for their own respiratory complications, but as far as I know there isn't actually such a thing as a "rat cold", just pneumonia and other respiratory infections and diseases.
So don't worry, you can keep cuddling and bonding as you please :)
Thanks for the replies! I am glad to know that I do not need to worry about my little cold! :-D

As far as getting another rat, ideally, I really would like to but I don't think the cage I have her in would be big enough and it def is not big enough for them as they grow, which im sure wont take long.

I know I need to get another cage eventually (she is in a 10 gallon tank right now) but I honestly can't afford it atm without charging more on my cc which is already run up.

She was an impulse buy- I saw her last night and fell in love with her- which I know is not the best way to do things. I definitely did not think it through properly, but I really love her already. She and I seriously bonded even though she has been in my house for less than 24 hours.

We have been taking her out often to play and cuddle- I know it's not the same as a rat buddy, but if I continue to spend lots of time with her could it all work out?


Laura and baby Bella
Taking her out often is not enough.
Your rat could be having these symptoms because of the 10 gal tank. It's very unsanitary for rats and not enough air circulation. And to be honest, I'd rather have 2 rats in a 10 gal than just 1. Rats really need buddies.
She will need to be in a powder coated cage that is at least 4 cubic feet in size with a base of at least 30 inches by 18 inches and height for levels. This would be big enough for a max of 2 rats.
But for now, you could make a very large bin cage to house her and a friend until they grow a bit and you can buy a proper cage.
Check the habitat section for ideas ... a 12 inch diameter solid wheel, hammocks, etc
smilez_n_hugs said:
jorats said:
Your rat could be having these symptoms because of the 10 gal tank.

She definitely shouldn't be in a tank but just to clarify it's the owner who is sick not the rat.
lol oops.
So if you do see any symptoms like wheezing, sneezing and the like, that could be the lack of air in the tank and the festering of ammonia buildup.
Woops! I just saw these answers! I did end up going out and buying her sister today who now seems a little sniffly and off (she has not been in the tank so it is not because of that). I am praying it is just from the move and she is fine!

As for the tank, I knew even for one rat it was not a long term solution, so I am trying to find something else affordable.

I actually just posted under habitats asking if a cage topper on the aquarium would possibly work?

The link to it is ... 746&sr=8-6.


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