Mystery bump on my hairless.

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New Member
Dec 15, 2012
United States
Hello rattie lovers! I come to you all today in need of some opinions.

I own fourteen lovely little female rats, and out of them all,
I've only had health concerns with one of them in the past. The concern
being an abscess on my blondie that I dealt with accordingly, so it has never come back.

That being said, I'm stumped with the issue my hairless rat Anya is having.

She recently got a bump on the left side of her face, very close to her mouth.
No puss has shown like with my other rats abscess. I have tried heat compression, but
no luck yet. At first we even thought it may be food wedged in her cheek, but it definitely isn't.
In fact, it looks like it's grown a bit in the last day even.

Images of said bump,



Any ideas of what it could be? She isn't acting sickly, but I know that they don't always.

Fingers crossed it's not an emerging tumor.​
It looks like it is a surface bump I would bet it is a sebaceous cyst. I have had them pop on in strange places on my naked rats. It probably wont have puss in it but the "white" snake that will come out of it. LOL just as gross. You can take her to the vet they can lance it open and get the nastiness out.
This one does look harmless. Most facial bumps are terrifying, ends in nothing but bad. A vet could thoroughly clean it up. And if that's not an option right now, I'd leave it alone and keep an eye on it.
hopefloats is talking about a keratin cyst which is very common in naked rats.

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