I have 3 rats...1 over a year old, and the others about 3 months or so. Just recently the older one, spontaneously seemed to have leg problems...he stopped running around and playing with the little ones, he stopped hopping on top of things inside the cage...almost overnight really...but his legs do work, just slowly...so he started sleeping on the floor of the cage, instead of the nesting ball he prefers or the hammock. And about 8 hours after that, I notice he started twitching when he breathes, and makes a squeaking noise in the process....which the twitching gets worse and worse as time passes, and the squeaks get louder and louder. And now, to stop the twitching, he climbs into the nesting ball, lays down, and pushes his neck down against the exit hole (really looks like he's trying to strangle himself). But, when he does that, the squeeking stops along with the twitching, and he can almost fall asleep it looks like. And all of this was over about 2 and a half days...So I took him to a vet, doctor had no idea how to handle a rat, tried to pin him down so he could use his stethoscope...etc. In the end, he openly says he has no idea whats wrong with him, and that he's giving me antibiotics for him...with no idea if it'll work. He said its most likely to be cancer if those don't work.
Sooo, $350 for a vet without a clue. Any of you guys had any similar experience?
Sooo, $350 for a vet without a clue. Any of you guys had any similar experience?