My vet told me he had no it must be cancer.

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New Member
Apr 18, 2009
I have 3 rats...1 over a year old, and the others about 3 months or so. Just recently the older one, spontaneously seemed to have leg problems...he stopped running around and playing with the little ones, he stopped hopping on top of things inside the cage...almost overnight really...but his legs do work, just he started sleeping on the floor of the cage, instead of the nesting ball he prefers or the hammock. And about 8 hours after that, I notice he started twitching when he breathes, and makes a squeaking noise in the process....which the twitching gets worse and worse as time passes, and the squeaks get louder and louder. And now, to stop the twitching, he climbs into the nesting ball, lays down, and pushes his neck down against the exit hole (really looks like he's trying to strangle himself). But, when he does that, the squeeking stops along with the twitching, and he can almost fall asleep it looks like. And all of this was over about 2 and a half days...So I took him to a vet, doctor had no idea how to handle a rat, tried to pin him down so he could use his stethoscope...etc. In the end, he openly says he has no idea whats wrong with him, and that he's giving me antibiotics for him...with no idea if it'll work. He said its most likely to be cancer if those don't work.

Sooo, $350 for a vet without a clue. Any of you guys had any similar experience?
The lack of energy and the twitching/squeaking when he breathes sounds like a URI (upper respiratory infection). Does he have a lot of red staining around his eyes and nose? When you say he has leg problems, do you mean he acts like his legs hurt or that he doesn't seem to have control over them, or just that he's acting tired/unenergetic? Probably the best thing you can do is start giving him the antibiotics if you haven't already, because URI's can cause a rat's health to decline very rapidly. What is the name of the antibiotics the vet gave you? Baytril usually works pretty good, as does Doxycycline. I forget some other ones, but I think those are the most effective, either seperate or in a combination. There's probably some posts with more/better information in the health section.
Id demand a refund. $350 for a consultation with a vet that has seriously no experience with a rat is ridiculous. Plus the fact that he man-handled the poor thing.
What medication did he give you? and did he weigh the rat and give you a dosage to give?
Im praying the people on here can help you figure out what's wrong with your poor boy

You SERIOUSLY need to find a new vet. Cancel any follow up appointments you might have with him. Get out the phonebook, and call every veterinary surgery in your area and question the receptionist / vet techs until you find someone that has adequate experience. When you find one, take the medication the vet you just saw gave you and the dose so they have it on record.
If you can telkl us how much your rattie weighs and the types of antibiotics and the strength, we can help you with the dose he should be getting.

Baytril + doxy, or baytil + azithromycin or baytril + clavamox would be good to try.
He may also need lasix because it sounds like he has fluid in his lungs.
Not, I'm not a vet, just a bit of experience.

Lilspaz68 and jorats will likely have some good suggestions for you.
I'd call that vet again and tell him with research and good internet sites, it turns out it's a respiratory infection and you need Baytril and Doxy for the little guy and if they would write sell you some. You should not need to bring your rat back in, they owe you as much with that $350 bill. You can print this out and bring it to them too so they can give you the right dosages.
He weighed them, and gave me "Baytril" and "Pred Elixer". But its too late now, I just got home from work and found him limp in his cage...still warm. :( Thanks for the help though... One of the little rats has a sneeze, or perhaps its a cough...dunno. But the vet gave the antibiotics to be used on both of them, just gave seperate dosage directions. Still hope I can save the little one.
So sorry VTS :( you tried your best

I hope your little guy gets better with some help from the meds. I hope this forum can help you expand your rat knowledge (we are all still learning) and help you find a better vet


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