I'm a first time rat owner. I have a female tan and white dumbo rat and she means the world to me. When I came home after being gone over the weekend I saw that all of her food was still in her cage. She was getting fat but when I came back home she was skinny I could feel the difference in her weight in just the three days I was gone. Now I didn't leave her alone or anything my dad and his girl were here as well but she had all of her food and water in her cage that I had given her the day I left. I'm worried about her and I do not particularly know about what to do about this. Her teeth look fine and she isn't as active and wanting to run around like she used to but she's still moving around and exploring things. Another thing is is that when I am here I spend TONS of time handling her like she is always on my shoulder or being held by me or my boyfriend I'm curious to know if her lack of eating is due to stress from me not being here these three days if that's the case I'll start taking her with me when I go.