My shy rat HATES me.

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Dec 1, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
I have three rats - all females. I have two young ones who are very little and their names are Misty (from Pokemon) and Taco (my favourite character from the show The League). They are very friendly, and all is awesome with them.

Then, I have Rousseau (named famously after Danielle Rousseau from lost). Rou is very shy and timid. She's older and full grown. I've spent days on end just sitting by her cage, offering her treats, talking to her. Whenever I got to pick her up, she panicks. She poops at least 10 times and if not more. I've spent about half hour with her each day and there is NO improvement. I've tried letting her down on my bed and offering treats - NOPE. I've tried letting her sniff me, nope! I've tried to just hold her until she relaxes - NO. I've tried to just pet her and talk calmly - NOPE. She isn't improving at all. She doesn't bite and she likes to explore but I hate taking her out because she pees and poos so much. How do I improve this? It's been going on for 3 weeks!
You could continue to force socialize her. What we recommend is the "down the shirt" trick. You put on a tshirt and a sweatshirt over top, place your shy girl in between and leave her there for an hour or so. Do this several times a day. Let her pee and poop. It will be gross but it will be worth it in the end. Eventually she will bond to your odour. Also, have some yummy treats with you and offer some while she's visiting you in your shirt.
I've been doing the two shirt thing with Zack for about a week now. He still shakes, shivers, pees, poops, and jumps at the slightest noise. However, getting him out of the cage is getting easier.

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