My Rats

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2012
Jinx is the all white one.(female)
Hex is the black and white(male).
Frost is the silver and white (female).
Eve is the light brown and silver. (Female).


No my male is now seperated that I know he is a male. I only found out a week ago when his scrotum showed up.
Wondering what my rats are also?
Ive had Jinx and Hex for two weeks longer then Frost and Eve but I have no idea of how old they are:/
I would like someone to age them for me. Also what type of rats are they?
Looks like a pew, black hooded, blue hooded and a fawn hooded. Kinda hard to tell on the blue dumbo.
Beautiful babies :heart:

You will want to get a good quality lab block (Harlan tech 2014, oxbow regal rat, or Living world hamster extrusian) as that is 80% of the diet.
The other 20% is daily veg and healthy treats like a piece of fruit, cherrio, piece of boiled egg, piece of cooked cereal, etc

With babies that young, you might want to give them a saucer of soy infant formula (grocery store) thickened with baby cereal a couple of times a day.
They were meant as feeders at the pet store that I got them at as where I live there are no rat breeders. They are all sweet hearts just really shy.

I have them on a gourmet rat mixture. What else would you suggest that cheepish and easy to make? (I'm in university).

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