New Member
my rat muffin is almost 2 years old and has had a wonderful life he has always been very energetic,active, and loved food. Recently he started to slow down and seem tired and also didnt seem too interested in his food. then one night (last thursday) he choked on some bread ( im not sure if that has anything to do with the problem) and after that he went down hill fast. he is so weak and cant hold his food in his hands and has trouble cleaning him self. we took him to the vet last friday and we were given two antibiotics (Vibramycin and Enrofloxacin, i believe those are the names of the medication). at first he seemed to get a bit better, but now he is even worse. he wants to eat but cant chew much and has trouble finding it even when i hold the food in front of his face. please help i dont know if there is anything more i can do! i love him so much and i just cant give up this easily on him! :sad3: