Well-Known Member
Londo started loosing weight after we lost his son, G'Kar... upon taking him to the vet, she decided that he seemed healthy and it was just a depression. I have been spending so much time trying to bring him around and hope that he would bounce back from the loss.
Tonight, I see for myself that this is not in fact an issue with a loss, but... *sigh*... PT
At feeding time tonight, I saw Londo with his block in the corner of the cage. He's sitting flat on his bottom, two feet stretched out, toes up and holding onto his block with his paws on the floor.
My papa rat has PT Londo is around 17months old, we know this as he was rescued by Twitch from Marimichi. His son's were born Jan-ish 2010, with Londo not being much older than them.
First G'Kar with his CHF, now Londo with PT and poor Lenir has been on meds since December for URI that just won't go away. These boys are breaking my heart.
We have decided once we see issues with pain in Londo, we are taking him to be PTS. I watched my Cas suffer with PT, blindly thinking I was just seeing things and not able to let go of my heart rat. I know better now, PT is real and it's awful. I refuse to let Londo suffer Please wish us luck and hope that he remains with us a little longer without discomfort. I love my Londo, he's always been the wiser calmer rat who loves hoomans. Today I am so happy I took Ash and Loki, as they will now be there for Lenir through losing his family
Londo and G'Kar
That smile, always smiling :heart:
Tonight, I see for myself that this is not in fact an issue with a loss, but... *sigh*... PT
At feeding time tonight, I saw Londo with his block in the corner of the cage. He's sitting flat on his bottom, two feet stretched out, toes up and holding onto his block with his paws on the floor.
My papa rat has PT Londo is around 17months old, we know this as he was rescued by Twitch from Marimichi. His son's were born Jan-ish 2010, with Londo not being much older than them.
First G'Kar with his CHF, now Londo with PT and poor Lenir has been on meds since December for URI that just won't go away. These boys are breaking my heart.
We have decided once we see issues with pain in Londo, we are taking him to be PTS. I watched my Cas suffer with PT, blindly thinking I was just seeing things and not able to let go of my heart rat. I know better now, PT is real and it's awful. I refuse to let Londo suffer Please wish us luck and hope that he remains with us a little longer without discomfort. I love my Londo, he's always been the wiser calmer rat who loves hoomans. Today I am so happy I took Ash and Loki, as they will now be there for Lenir through losing his family
Londo and G'Kar
That smile, always smiling :heart: