My poor Donnatello =(

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2009
Sackville, NS
Hi, I'm the brother of WOSMU, and a couple of months ago, he posted here asking for advice about what to do about one of our rats, Donatello. Well, I'm here for a different reason. We think he might have had a stroke overnight, because when I woke up and went to check on the rats, he was squeaking whenever I tried to pick him up. At first thought he might have broken his leg or something along those lines, because he was favoring one of his legs. But my brother took him to the vet, and I think they might have told him he had a stroke or something like that because he also told me that our vet thinks something was wrong with his brain. I'm just wondering... Will he be all right? We have an appointment tomorrow to have him pts if he's still in pain. He's the rat that never gets any problems... He was all right until this morning.

Anyone think he will be allright tomorrow morning? If not, we're going to get him pts... :sad3:
Do you think it might be a tumor? It could be one or the other, because he's looking like he's confused... The painkillers should kick in soon. Earlier he was squeaking when he tried to move, but now he's moving a little better... We're feeding him baby food, and got him some water to drink. He's been eating every now and then, but the drinking is a little more rare.
Well, I'm not 100% sure how old he is.. .My brother does though And the vet said he might have had a stroke... He couldn't have fell, because he would be favouring a leg... And he wouldn't have a line of drool going down his jaw...
I was wondering if he might have fallen and hit his head? He would have neurological symptoms like a stroke then. I'm so sorry for your sweetie. Wish I could help.
A stroke can be caused by a number of things and are common cause of death in older rats.
Can you tell us more about the symptoms?

Is he in pain?
There is a section on strokes in your brother's rat health care book (see cardiovascular disease). There is also a phone number in the front of the book that you can called for help.
It can take a rat up to a week to recover fully or partially from a stroke

If you do put Donnatello to sleep, please read the rat health care book and the thread on here to make sure it is done humanely.

He's doing a bit better! He's been cleaning himself for the past few mins, and he managed to wipe the drool off his jaw! I think he might be all right because he's walking around a tiny cage that we borrowed from someone.He's exploring as I'm writing this, he's exploring his cage that we put him in. He just had some water, and I'm getting a little optomistic that he might be ok!
Rats are mighty healers - he's not giving up without a fight! :)

My poor Joey had neuro problems and he didn't let it slow him down til he reached 23 months. The little guy was a real fighter, but it's hard to see them suffering like that >.< I'm glad your boy's recovering quickly!

If it had definately been a stroke, your vet might be able to prescribe steroid tablets and Baytril (it's what my vet gave me for Joey) to help build him back up again :D Good Luck Donnatello!
This is sounding like a pituitary tumor with the confusion. But if it's a stroke, many times they can come back from that.
Your best bet is to wait it out, see how he is in the morning. I really do hope that it was just a spell and he'll be right as rain by tomorrow.
I think we're losing him... He's getting ready to pass away... His eyes are almost closed, and he has a huge amount of porphyrin running from his chin to his nose...

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