My orphaned baby is barely pooping.

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2012
South Carolina, USA
Hey all. About 5 days ago I took in another orphaned wildie. At first she wasn't very active or eager to drink from a syringe, but she is doing so much better now! There is something wrong with her left front leg, like it was broken near the wrist. It was swollen and bruised at first, but now it doesn't bother her. She toddles around just fine, like she doesn't even realize that her leg is crooked. She just started to open her eyes yesterday, so we estimate her at 12-14 days old.

:? But I've noticed that she is barely producing any solid waste. Like, one itty bitty turd once a day. She has been on soy formula, which is what everyone says is best for her. Could she be constipated, or is she just using up everything in the formula and having nothing left over to expel? I've been using Q-tips (cotton swabs) dipped in warm water to stimulate her to potty, and she pees normally... like a champion, in fact.

Does anyone have any experience, suggestions, or advice?

P.S. We are still in the process of finding her a suitable name. We've come up with lots of ideas, but nothing perfect just yet. :heart:
My biggest concern was that she wasn't being stimulated, but you have cleared that up. Maybe it is because she is on formula. If she's not eating solids, then there won't be much undigestible waste to expel. Her attitude is very important as that will tell you if she's feeling OK or not. Is she bright and alert and active? If you gently palpate her belly, does it feel squishy or hard/firm?
She is very active, bright, and alert. Now that her eyes are open, she refuses to sit still because she's all "Go! Go! Go! So much to explore!". Her belly is squishy and feels normal. Not hard like she's impacted or anything. I know this sounds gross, but now that she's starting to groom herself, could she be stimulating herself and eating her waste? :sick2:

The last two days she has been trying to bite/suckle on my hand, even after she's had a big meal. I gave her a Cheerio to use as a teething ring because her molars are starting to come through. She's mostly just gummed it and there are no chunks missing from it yet.
She sounds good then! Quite possible she may be getting rid of it herself. I would keep stimulating her for a while though.
Now when are we going to see pictures?!
As soon as I can figure out this Photobucket-machine thing-a-ma-jig. :emb:

I have an older digital camera, too. And with her squirming, I can't get good shots. But I'll try to post what I've got so far.
Okay... let's see if this works.


She's staying in a critter keeper on top of a heating pad for now, but will be moving into a wire hamster cage soon.


Trying to suckle on my thumb.

These are the best out of all the pictures I've taken. My camera doesn't do well up close because of the flash reflection. And if the flash is turned off, it's stupid blurry.
Oh, Angel... *thud* indeed!
I have no wisdom to impart. Instincts tell me she's gonna be just fine.
Olive oil is healthy for all her parts, even her lovely coat (and can stimulate the digestive tract too).
Is she old enough to eat a bit of fruit?
A little fruit & greens salad with olive oil. Yum!
I haven't started her on solid foods just yet. All the information I've read online says not start until their eyes have been open for a few days. I'll probably start with Cheerios or Oxbow's Regal Rat softened in formula. Her molars aren't done coming in. But she spends most of feeding time gumming the rubber nipple on the tip of her feeding syringe. (I'm keeping a close eye to make sure she isn't taking chunks out of it.)

I'm not sure if I'm just looking too far into the whole situation or not. My first attempt at syringe feeding an orphaned wildie didn't end well. Diblet passed away after only being with us for a week and a half, and right at the age this second girl is now. We did everything we could to save Diblet from the ups and downs she went through, but I suppose she just didn't have enough fight in her. I don't ever want to go through that turmoil again.

I guess that's one of the reasons I can't seem to settle on a name for this new girl. I'm afraid I'm going to lose her, even though she isn't displaying any signs of illness or odd behavior.
i dont know anything about babies but I can say that my boy cobby was on a liquid diet by his choice for a while. He has very little amounts of poo and he had very tiny poos. I would almost assume that is normal for liquid diets only? Just a guess.

She is a cute little bugger though.
Diblet was very up and down the whole time, first very sick, then recovering, then sick again. It sounds like this little girl is in a much better state and is more stable.

I think it's time to bite the bullet and pick a name. :nod:
We've finally settled on a name! :joy:

The past few days, she has been obsessed with latching onto fingers, hands, arms, or any other exposed skin to suck on like a pacifier. So... we've decided to name her Binky. I'm sure the name has been used a thousand times over, but it just suits her perfectly. :nod:

I just gave Binky her first taste of mash (crushed Cheerios soaked in soy formula). She isn't quite sold on the idea yet, but I'm slowly winning her over. And she has turned into quite the little speed demon, despite her crooked leg! She will follow your hand like a baby duck follows its mama. So she will race after your hand back and forth across the length of the bed. I'm in love! :heart:

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