My Older Boy was Attacked by His Younger Cage Mates

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Active Member
Oct 31, 2011
Chicago IL
My 2 year and two month old boy Badger suffers from HLD and has a difficult time holding his own in the cage. My two younger boys (10 months old) flat out attacked him, leaving lacerations on the back of his neck and exposed some of the muscle tissue on his stomach. I immediately separated Badger from the other two and called my vet. Badger has an appointment to visit the vet early tomorrow morning and I washed out his wounds and put antibiotic ointment on them and (thank God) he is not bleeding. I also plan to neuter the other two. My question is, in your opinion, is it ever going to be safe for Badger to reunite him with his cage mates after they get neutered, also would it be safe to eventually introduce new members to my boys?
I dont go so much by the gashes they receive which is what it sounds like your boy got but the attitude. Sadly with boys gashes are normal when they are getting hormonal or having issues in the dynamics of the group.

If you can post of picture of his wound we can tell you if he need anything in the mean time. Gashes generally do not bleed much and they generally close up in a day or two. I personally never take them to the vet for a gash i keep it clean.

How have the boys been acting towards him? do they out right attack him? or is there a lot of tussles in the cage? do they puff up when they get near each other? that is generally a bad sign.
hopefloats said:
I dont go so much by the gashes they receive which is what it sounds like your boy got but the attitude. Sadly with boys gashes are normal when they are getting hormonal or having issues in the dynamics of the group.

If you can post of picture of his wound we can tell you if he need anything in the mean time. Gashes generally do not bleed much and they generally close up in a day or two. I personally never take them to the vet for a gash i keep it clean.

How have the boys been acting towards him? do they out right attack him? or is there a lot of tussles in the cage? do they puff up when they get near each other? that is generally a bad sign.

I have never seen them puff up around each other. There have been quite a few tussles in the cage after I lost my rat Artemis, which I think really changed the group dynamic. When they do have quarrels it is generally over stealing each others food. However this is the first time that I have seen gashes this bad. Pics will be posted momentarily.
Well a loss totally explains it. When did you lose him? and was he alpha? My group took weeks after losing Toby to stop fighting. I had 9 boys going at it for weeks. Gashes usually are better than seeing puncture wounds. Gashes I leave them together unless it has happen multiple times puncture wounds I remove the trouble maker and take their testicles off LOL
hopefloats said:
Well a loss totally explains it. When did you lose him? and was he alpha? My group took weeks after losing Toby to stop fighting. I had 9 boys going at it for weeks. Gashes usually are better than seeing puncture wounds. Gashes I leave them together unless it has happen multiple times puncture wounds I remove the trouble maker and take their testicles off LOL

I lost him at the end of April and he was the Alpha. So you do not think they are picking on him because he is old and sick?
That is possible too. My girl pika will beat up any rat that gasp in the cage. I would consider taking him out if it continues and spending extra time with him. I hate to see a rat alone but when his cagemates are being young punks, you dont want his last days to be bullied.

The one on the stomach is a gash? not teeth holes right?

I just hate to see older rats treated bad by other rats.

Hopefully someone else will chim in about taking him out. Like i said i hate seeing them alone but if they beat him up that isnt fair for a senior.
That is very typical of gashes in fact that is a gash. The first one i freaked out. After that i would just say just put him down he will be fine. I never had one get infected or need anything major to it.

Poor fella. Hopefully you find a good solution for him.
It's a slice and not a bite so that's good news. Still your little bully boys should be neutered for the simple fact that they lost control when they lost their alpha. That can really screw up the cage dynamics. It's hard on everyone.
Badger should recover nicely and fast. He most likely does not need to visit the vet. Next time, no ointments on any open wounds unless it's not healing fast enough, so say after a week. Usually wounds heal within a day. The ointment closes the wounds too fast which then can trap any possible infection. This can result in an abscess. I learned that the hard way.
What is this difference between gashes and puncture wounds? I mean, I know the difference in how the two look, but why the difference in what they mean behaviour wise?

I always thought gashes were worse than puncture marks!!
hprats said:
What is this difference between gashes and puncture wounds? I mean, I know the difference in how the two look, but why the difference in what they mean behaviour wise?

I always thought gashes were worse than puncture marks!!

A gash is a slice, the top teeth, meaning they were either looking to groom hard or to yank towards them, more of a dominate alpha move. A bite, two marks, top teeth bottom teeth is a clear lunge bite attack. That would be aggression.
We went to the vet today, the vet said that the wounds on his neck were mostly artificial but that the one on his tummy was starting to show signs of infection (though the tissue underneath is healthy), furthermore they found out that he has an inner ear infection. I am so glad we caught it early because an inner ear infection that was caught too late killed his brother. Needless to say Badger is on a cornucopia of medication at this point, and with a little luck he will be on the road to recovery shortly.
I will keep him on his own while he recovers for sure, then I think I will put him back but under supervision for a while and play it by ear.
well some boys will shun the others that are kept out to long. I would give them out time together to see if they can play nicely. Just dont toss him back in the cage.

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