:sad3: so i have two male rats, the older one (6 1/2 months) moo moo, and the younger one (almost 11 weeks) Archimedes. i have been doing the cage swapping now for almost 3 weeks. and prior to that i did the cages next to each other for about 2 weeks. i have not had them out and together until today, me and my husband brought the boys out on neutral ground and they didnt even flinch about being there together,.. i had purchased some new toys and stuff for them in a big cardboard box and let them play in there and they were totally fine... i cleaned out the big cage i have that's a 4 story condo, which is moo moo's normal home, i even bleached everything to get all previous smells out completely and then i let it dry before i put anything new in it. it took me 2 hours to do, i made it completely new with new chewables and toys and a big hammock for them (which they havent even touched yet btw) however when i placed them in the cage together for the first time they were more interested in their new surroundings, but then i noticed that they started to pick "fights" with each other. slight boxing, even mounting. they didnt yell or fight to the point of bloodshed but Archimedes made moo moo squeak alil bit here and there. Archimedes would go on top of moo moo and underneath and moo would squeak for no reason. they have been on and off doing this now for the last 5 hours. and now moo moo is on the 4th level sleeping and staying away and Archimedes is on the bottom doing the same to moo moo. moo has come down to re-arrange the bedding now twice and they have been nose to nose and havent done anything. but moo will sometimes show him his rear and not puff up, but then sometimes he does that AND puffs up. there has been NO BLOODSHED at all, so im curious is this just this way of determining the pecking order or should i really be concerned. And Archimedes wont go up the ladder because i think he is afraid of heights and or the ladder. so hes been staying down on the bottom level. PLEASE HELP i want them to get along. and ive worked so hard to get them in one cage, i dont know what im doing wrong?! this is my first intro btw. anic: :sad3: :cry4: :cry3: :why: :crazy2: