My Jenny Has a Pituitary Tumor.. **Jan 2010-July 2011.**

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Sharlees rattakisses

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
Toronto Canada
The signs are there. :(
I went through this with Jeremy.
Such a sweet squishy girl.
Just gonna love her and keep her pain free until the end.
I hope that one day she goes to sleep and doesn't wake up. :heart:
Thanks everyone. :cuddle:
Jenny is 23 months old.
She was had had a litter or more and looks so world weary.
I will just keep her comfy and give her lots of food and love.
She stole my heart at first glance and I am so lucky she found me. :heart: :heart:
:heart: Sweet Jenny. :heart:
We just lost our Londo to PT as well :( He was up getting scratches one minute, I came back to the cage 5 mins later and he was gone in his hammock. I hope and pray Jenny has a peaceful going like Londo. Such a beauty she is, you are lucky to have each other :heart:
Does any one know if PT causes pain?
Jenny is now completely blind. :sad3:
Her one eye constantly leaks blood?/ porphyrin?
She is a shell of her former chubby self.
I have been finger feeding both her and Myles, my Nieces rat.
Myles is blind and because of his interbreeding he is dying of lung issues at 14 months old.
I hate seeing them so sick. :(

Jenny trying to eat a cracker.

Jenny with me snuggling in bed.

Mr Myles.
I've talked to my vet about PT and pain and she's adamant that it does not. She says that rats have like a shut off valve in their brain when it comes to PT which is why they hardly notice it. I know with all the PT rats we've had and we've had tons... I've never seen any in pain.
It really is hard to watch them go through it.
So really, it's not wrong to bring them in to be pts or to let them go on their own with you.
Thanks Jo. :cuddle:
Your help means A LOT.
I think Jenny would like to be home with me to the end, God willing.
For Jenny's sake I hope her journey to the bridge is a short one.
My love for rats far out weighs the pain of losing them, but it's still SO hard to see them struggle.


Be still little one,
Let your pain drift away,
Leave your broken body and fly,
Through the air,
On a breeze,
Where other friends have gone and wait,
To see you once again.
:hugs: I love the pic of you and Jenny suggling together! So much love going both ways in that picture it made my eyes leak :tearful: ...One moment at a time, it's all we have, ever. :heart:
My Jenny-furr is going down hill so fast. :(
I have to finger feed her as eating with her hands is impossible.
The food just falls out of her mouth.
I wanted to show you the pix Holly took of Jenny with me today.
I :heart: her!!

RPOM for your beautiful girl.

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