My first time with bumblefoot

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
I brought home a new guy two days ago from a craigslist posting.. As soon as I got him in the car I realized he had an URI, the sneezing and wheezing seemed to indicate that.
He was also very bony, nails overgrown, but very friendly. He's also got a great appetite and actually looks physically healthier already since I've been feeding him normally.

He's a 2yo blue dumbo rex, he is beautiful and very affectionate.

I just noticed yesterday (I gave him a day to settle in before I harassed him too much looking him over) that he has mild bumblefoot on one foot, and an open-sore looking case on the other, not very swollen.

I'm keeping him on soft towels and doing epsom compresses, seeing as he's already underweight I don't think he needs to be on a diet! It already looks better. I was wondering what else I could do to make him more comfy? He's on Amoxicillin for the URI.

The cage he came in was filthy, pine bedding, dusty-cobweb-covered bag of store-brand rat food came with him.

I'm a little sad that his last owner - who fosters small animals - did not at least warn me about this, obviously I know better than to mix new rats with my own, but she knew I had others and that he was sick. At least should could have said "Hey, he's got a cold".. People.

He's a cutie!
I have never dealt with bumblefoot, but I would think that if he's got nice soft bedding for his feet and that they are kept clean, and that he's on antibiotics, that you have all your bases covered. I think I would just observe things and see how they are progressing. I can't think of anything else you can do for him except possibly a topical treatment. I think it's called Bluekote? Someone here knows!
You're right. BluKote is the best treatment for bumblefoot. In most states you can buy it in farm supply stores. It's a huge bottle if you're only using it for rats but it's not expensive. Be careful using it, that dye does not come off and it gets everywhere!
Alright, thank you guys. I have a few feed and seed type stores around here I'll call. I just can't understand how his last owner let him get this way! it's pathetic, and he's such a sweet boy.
Put him on fleece, keep it super clean, and get the dauber kind of Blu-Kote...dip a Q-tip in it and just dab it onto the bumble...then blot the foot with a towel (already) over your lap, until the stain stops transferring. if you have plastic gloves that would be awesome too, as your hands won't get blue. It stains fabric permanently so be very careful but this stuff really works unless you are dealing with an infected bumble.

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