my Cookie

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Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2009
my Cookie, aka One Smart Cookie, aka One Tough Cookie, has a lump- in her groin, probably a mammary gland tumor

she's not even 2yrs old

SQ said:
Very sorry ...
Hope the vet will be able to help.

I am not sure I can find a vet who will be willing to remove this. The vet I had been going to would not remove tumors on "older" rats (Cookie is about 21 mos old and that vet was reluctant to do surgery on a 17 mos old girl- I insisted- that was my Tilly- and she had another good 6 mos) but Tilly was in great shape, Cookie is a bit on the heavy side and sleeps a lot already. She's never been a really active rat, but she's been acting old for a bit longer than her sister who is supposedly the same age (Hope, who has a huge growth on her back next to her spine, which is just being watched for now. It doesn't bother her at all, I check her constantly for signs of pain or discomfort. Hope is very active!
But Cookie would rather nap.

I hope this thing grows slowly. :sad3: (it's already bigger today than it was just yesterday though)

I hate tumors! :gaah: :redhot:
jorats said:
Keep her diet low fat and no sugar. Hopefully it will grow slowly and give her many more months with you.

she likes all kinds of wheat - puffed wheat, shredded wheat- is that a good snack for her or should it just be veggies? (which they all love)

thought I'd call a few vets a little bit outside my area, just in case I could find someone willing to drive me...
but it doesn't matter anyway, no one will remove a tumor on a rat "this old" :gaah: :gaah:

well, most of them had never done surgery on a rat.....
there really aren't many who do. We have one who does neuters but not spays, otherwise I'd have had my girls spayed.

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