So ive read the post on intros but i still have more questions because im in the middle of trying to get my girls together. so ive been doing introductions. Zoey needs to be put in with Ginger and Esther. i just did their 5th introduction yesterday. They fought the first 2 times. Then they were ok the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. But every time i put them together, Zoey squeaks whenever Ginger or Esther come near her because i think she is afraid to get hurt. Why wont she stop squeaking? Ginger tries to be really nice to her too most of the time. I feel bad because Ginger and Esther try to get along with her, and Zoey just squeaks and half the time, refuses to get to know them. What can i do to help her out and not be so scared? They seem to be getting along, it's just that Zoey is afraid a lot. A lot of the time, Ginger tries to sniff her and Zoey either kicks her away or pushes her away. But other than that, there was only a 2 second squabble this last time. But how many more intros do i need to do? And when can i put them in the same cage? Is this behavior normal? Since they have been meeting in neutral territory wouldnt Ginger and Esther get more aggressive when Zoey is put in their cage? Is it normal for Ginger to be trying to mate with Zoey? Also, since Ginger has been trying to mate with her, Zoey has been trying to mate with Esther. Esther is only 8 weeks old, so im little more concerned for her safety because she's not as strong as the other 2. How long should each intro be? Ive been doing 20 to 30 minutes. Should i stop the intro if Ginger is trying to mate with her? Not that anything could happen because they are both girls haha! But if any of you can help me out, it would be great. Thanks