Monkey goes for his neuter tomorrow!(UPDATED)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
Hull,Quebec(not far from Ottawa)
Well as you know baby boy monkey will be going for his neuter and well it is tomorrow :happydance: then he will wait three more weeks until he is able to live with his sister Girly( aka Fancy 2 :) )

please send over good thoughts for monkey (and me im so scared right now :gaah: ) everything should go well but in my head there is the "what if" there.

Do you have a more recent pic of your Monkey-man so I can send him good luck and healing vibes?

Be brave little sweetie, its for the best, so you can be with your sister once again. :D

Make sure you come home with pain meds hun. He might not need them but its always best to be prepared. :thumbup:
well monkey is now back with us :joy:

he is still a bit groggy from the vet. also if anything should go wrong while here the vet gave me his pager in case.

they also gave meds for him to take for 5 days its Chlor palm 250.

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