Metcam Overdose. What to do?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
Bundaberg Australia
This is a continuation of my 'Help please help' post but now I have given Sheba an overdose. :cry: She is definately feeling better, she's a little stronger, came out of bed and ate some mushy baby food by herself so the Bactrim must be working BUT I also gave her her Metcam injection tonight and - I can't believe this - I gave her about 0.08-0.10ml almost twice as much as she should have. The medication is in a sryinge and it got stuck as I injected and too much came out. stupid stupid stupid. I said to the vet couldn't I just draw 0.05ml out and give that to her but he said no it will be fine and now it's not. I messed up. I should have gone with my gut and drawn the exact amount out. I will never ever do it like that again.
How is that going to affect her? I can't believe it. Will it harm her? Will it inhibit the Bactrim or slow her improvement? Could she die from it? She should only have 0.05ml not double that.
:thud: :thud: :thud:
I am not sure....but I don't think it will hurt her.....have you called your vet? That is what I would do right away and ask them.....
We've seen a few times where metacam doses were actually larger than what most vets prescribe. Keep an eye on her, but she'll probably be fine, there's not much that can be done anyways at this point if it's really an overdose.

Edited to add, I just checked the other thread and the Rat Guide indicates that it can be given 1mg/kg to 2mg/kg so you gave the higher end dose since it's doubled. I would think she will be ok.
Ok thanks. I should have checked the rat guide. Unfortunately, it's night time here and the vets aren't open. And there is no emergency vet in this town. I will assume that if she is ok over the next 24 hours, then she'll be fine. I will call the vet on Monday morning though anyway.
If anything she is probably on cloud 9 - which she hasn't been for a while. Thanks for your replies.
All is fine with the double dose, but in the future, you can push out the days dose into a tiny container, and then use another syringe to suck it back up, or mix the medications with food.
Thanks :)

Sorry if my suggestion was glaringly obvious, sometimes what is obvious to one isn't obvious to others, so I figured it couldn't hurt to mention it. Good luck with your girl!

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