Meet Ryker- Update

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Oct 15, 2010
I have no time on my plate and I am not taking in rats at the moment until I can get the rat room situated and moved around. I was contacted by the small animal rescue about 2 biter boys and the woman was having problems with them. She has been bitten numerous times by both but I have heard this before. I do think these guys may bite if given the chance.

Remmy is a fawn capped boy. Big boy . I have pictures but I didnt upload them yet. Ryker is a black hooded boy and screams if he even senses you near him. He will probably need a neuter i just need to let him settle and see if he ends up taking a chunk out of me or if he will simmer down a bit.

He is the top contender for scared rats that we have brought home. Ollie and Trey had issues but are now well adjusted little boys so i am hoping these two will do the same.
[BBvideo 450,375:gsainek0][/BBvideo:gsainek0]

I love my boys we know this. I had to take them in. The rescue wont take biters in because they dont have long term housing so theirs are mostly out for adoption. The couple that had them was scared of them and I am not so much scared of them but hoping they will change. both were treated for mites since they have marks on them. so i am hoping after this they will do better with touching.
jorats said:
I love his name!
Once this boy gains some confidence, I bet it will go smoother for everyone.

It means "Strength" I wanted a good name for him. He was un-named where as the other boy had a name.

Petunia said:
oh my he is so scared! never saw a rat like that before

i bet he comes around fast with your lovin

or I will end up with a "shelagh" cut LOL

I have been giving him meds twice a day for his eye and just in case. He has a "dry" whistle in his nose but his lungs sound fine. He has finally stopped screaming when we pick him up. I hold him against my body to give him meds since he wont take them on his own. He hasnt even nipped at me. I had to call the former owner to check a few things since she said he was the one that always bit people. I still dont see it but I am glad he isnt biting since that tends to hurt LOL.

I am going to try intros with my group of 7 boys, trey and his gang see how that goes. I will be setting that up and giving it a whirl in a bit so I shall see if i can see these issues he is suppose to have.
I did some intros with him and my 7 mild boy group. He was puffy but not mean. He did bite a few boys but a the same time he would cuddle up in a pile. His bites were just nips the face nipping get out of it type nothing major. He was side stepping a few but he has been alone for a full year. There might be hope for him not for the biter boy remmy or the boy charlie from the summer. They are both mean and will probably need a neuter. I just have to get the funds up to get them done....
jorats said:
Aww, the nips in the face are fear moves. Hopefully he will soon learn that these boys are his safety and comfort.

That is what I am hoping for. Trey is the only neutered boy in there but these were all put together so 3 group of 2 boys and trey. Their intros were smooth each time. A really good group of boys to do intros with. I am hoping it will bring him around. Remmy went into attack mode so he needs a neuter. He was the one living with another boy and fighting. I still need to post a pic of him, he is a fawn capped boy. Very cute just meaner than all get out lol.

Charlie is a demon. I will have to get a video of his attack me at the cage bars. He dont even like to hear my voice LOL
Ryker obviously thinks you are the cat's meow. When you are holding him to give him his meds, he probably likes the snuggling. :)
I hope he warms up to your mellow group of boys. It would be so good for him!
I am getting braver with him. I picked him up without a hammock tonight. He doesnt seem like the type to bite. He seems to like his head rubs. I am just so confused about his whole "biting" life.

Remmy though his guard hairs come up at me when I touch him. He isnt a fan of me at all. but I have pics finally... He was in "intros" but he isnt nice.

His wound. Fought with a bigger boy...

I think there is hope for Ryker to be intro'd but remmy will have to be neutered and so will the devil spawn Charlie. I need his video you will just die laughing at how tough this little cookie is.
Oh I am so glad you are getting Ryker all settled in. I am so happy that he has not been the biter you were expecting. :joy: On the other hand I sure hope with a neuter Remmy will settle down also. He is such a beautiful boy!

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